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Song List

Amazing Link


Hylian gamer


Hyrule field

Nobody else can save us

One force is not enough

To Hyrule with love

Triforce (Link and Zelda)


Linkified songs

So you have reached our song page, eh? Well, since it's probably obvious what this section is, we'll tell you what we have done.

Basically all we have done is taken songs we like or thought fit well and made parody Legend of Zelda songs out of them. Mainly, well all of the songs actually are to do with Link, so if you're a fan then you'll love this.

Remeber you can send us your songs to our song inbox and we will put them up and give credit to the artist.

Legend of Zelda and anything to do with it is copyright of Nintendo.
Linkification is a fan site for personal use. All fan works on this site are copyright of the webmistresses:
Jemma, Kate and Rebecca.