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Crystal Therapy

Note: Always remember with any type of healing
Intent is the most important requirement.

Crystals and their Healing Properties

Crystals are powerful healing tools.
They can heal every area of your life.
They can help with your physical, emotional, spiritual, mental,
financial,romance, health. They can help ease stress, pain, insomnia.
Help with concentration and clarity.
They assist in the healing of blood disorders, high blood pressure.
They have a wonderful energy that emanates from them.
They are alive!

Each crystal has its own special healing energy.
Crystal Therapy is the term used to describe working with Crystals' live energy.
Crystal Therapy is an intuitive way of working with crystals to
assist in healing of all levels of the human being.

Crystal Therapy takes many forms.
The common thread is that crystals are tools that amplify your intentions to heal.
Here are a few different ways that you could use them....

Angelic Communication:For communication with the Angels
then angelite or celestite are great crystals to meditate with.

Chakra Balancing:Chakras are the major energy centres of the body.
When these centres are balanced, we move through life in harmony.
When they are inline, we are inline.
When they are flowing smoothly, our lives are flowing smoothly.
If your life is chaotic, and out of whack.
Crystals can help to re-align and clear blocked chakras.

Colour Therapy:Certain coloured crystals have specific healing attributes.
Working the chakra colours with the co-ordinating coloured crystal
works to enhance those particular energy points and the organs connected.
EG: The base chakra is red, and is located at the base of the spine.
It works to keep us grounded.
It also relates to the Adrenal Glands,
Legs, feet, bones, lg intestine, spinal column, immune system, kidneys and rectum.
With this chakra, crystals such as, ruby, garnet, keep the energy flowing strong and freely.
Grounding crystals such as hermatite, black tourmaline and obsidian work to keep things in perspective,
and as such, keep our feet firmly on the ground.

Jewellery:Wearing crystals can be very beneficial.
For instance, necklaces of rose quartz,worn close to the heart,
works on issues close to the heart.
It also helps with self-confidence and self-love.
Blue crystals, such as blue-lace agate,help with communication.
Also celestite helps with throat problems.
Crystals can also be attached to belts.
They can also be carried in pockets and will do their job as well from here.

Using crystals for Healing: Specific crystals are laid upon the physical body,
with special purposes of healing in mind.
Practitioner's using the crystals do so intuitively.
They are guided to use the appropriate crystal for the particular ailment.

Other Crystal Benefits: Crystals don't just work to heal the physical.
They are also used for confidence building, concentration, attracting abundance, love.
As mentioned previously.
Citrine placed in the money sector ( Feng shui ) of your home or business,
will attract prosperity.Also it builds confidence.
Amethyst Helps in meditation, and enhances clairvoyance.
It is also perfect for cleansing other crystals.
Clear Quartz Helps increase the divine flow of energy through the body.
It brings clarity to situations, and is a powerful healing tool.

These a just a few popular crystals mentioned.
There are many many more. Healers usually have quite a few that they work with.

Reiki Healing

Relaxing Meditation

