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You may not be aware of your Angel's.
But they are here.
They wish to help you but are unable to unless you ask for assistance.
They are here to guide you and protect you.
They can help to heal your body, your mind and your relationships.
They can not help you if you do not ask for help.
They can only get involved if you are in danger and it is not time for you to pass.
When you have situations happening that you feel you need help with,
then they are here for you.

Around you are Angels, Guardian Angels and spirit guides.
You came into this world with your own Guardian Angels and guides.
Some of you can feel them around you.
A warm loving feeling surrounding you. Enjoy this feeling for it is their wings wrapped around you and keeping you safe.

Angels belong to a collective body. They emanate from the Divine Source,
and are divided into groups.
Each group has a specific task or area of interest.
The word Angel means Messenger.

Angelic Realms There are three angelic realms,
and each realm has three sub-divisions.
The angels that are the closest to the divine energy are called the "Heavenly Councellors".
Their sub-division is as follows....

Seraphim The Seraphim are the most highly evolved angels. Their job is to keep the Universe in alignment.
Cherubim The cherubim are the light workers.
They work as guardians of all the light and colour energy in the Universe.
They help to direct and transform the light which comes from the sun, moon and stars,
and send it where it needs to go.

Thrones The Thrones are the overseers of the planets.
The Earth Throne works in co-operation with the seraphim to keep the Earth on its course and in the right relationship with the other planets.

The next angelic realm is the "Heavenly Governors" Their sub-division is as follows...

Dominions: Dominions are the counsellors, advisers, supporters and teachers of all the evolving angels.
They particularly help the guardian angels in helping the individual they have been asigned to.

Virtues: Virtues are the listeners. They respond to the prayers and requests for healing.
They direct the energy into specific areas or towards particular individuals.

Powers: The Powers are the keepers of the Akashic records,
guardians of the collective unconscious and instigators of morphic resonance.

The next angelic realm is the "Messengers" Their sub-division is as follows....

Principalities: The Principalities are the overseers and guardians of large groups and organisations, nations and cities.


There are Angels that are here to help with healing.
They can be invoked to bring blessing, safety and protection to our daily lives.
And to assist us to gain greater clarity in our lives purposes.

Call upon "Archangel Raphael" in times of illness and pain, and he will assist in making you well again.

If you need help in your relationship, then call "Archangel Chammuel".
He is the Archangel for relationships and the heart.

Call upon "Archangel Michael", in times of trouble.
He is the Archangel known for healing and protecting.

In times of fear and insecurity then Archangel Gabriel is the one to call upon.
He is also the Angel for families and children.
He is the Angel for revelation and hope.
When you feel the need for help for your family, then call on him.
He is waiting to be asked.

When courage is needed, then Archangel Uriel is the Angel to call upon.
He is called the Psychologist Angel.
He helps to heal the toxins from people's thoughts and emotions.
He helps to release stubborn anger and unforgiveness.

Angels without other titles: Angels without other titles are the angels that come closest to the earths vibrations.
They bring us angelic qualities such as;
joy, love, laughter, harmony and peace.
Included in this sub-division are our Guardian Angels.
These Guardian Angels are assigned to loving guide and protect us through this lifetime.
They do this at the same time they don't interfere with our freedom of choice.

Crystal Therapy
Relaxing Meditation
Reiki Healing