Facts About The Troopers

Home of Toyama, Japan.

Yes, Toyama does exist. It is located on the Japan Sea side of the central part of Honshu's main land. The Prefecture is situated on the Japan Sea side of central Honshu between Ishikawa, Fukui, Gifu, Niigata and Nagano, and with a population of about 1.3 million people, it covers an area of 4,246 kilometers.

Toyama is almost equidistant from each of the metropolitan cities, Tokyo, Nagoya, and Osaka, and the unique geography of Toyama offers both long coastlines and 3000 meter mountain ranges, Tateyama Mountain Range. It is also surrounded by the mysterious waters of Toyama Bay which are over 1,000 meters deep. It is this dramatic change of 4,000 meters which lends Toyama's topography dynamic beauty. Moreover, Toyama has four places designated by the Japanese Environment Agency for water purity as well as three places also designated as forested water sources. Kurobe Gorge and Shoymyo Falls, Japan's highest waterfall, all combine to make Toyama truly a "kingdom of water and greenery."

The Toyama medicine business is said to have its origins at Mt. Tateyama, which was believed to have been home to the Gods. The medicine business spread throughout the country during the Yedo period. It incorporated a unique business practice of leaving medicine at one's home and charging only for what was used until the next visit. After more then 200 years, the practice continues today. With continuing research and development, Toyama's medicine is used by many.

Homes in Toyama:

Toyama's spacious homes have made it among the top-ranked prefectures in the country. This is probably a reflection of the great importance, some might say "obsession," that Toyama citizens attach to "home." While Toyama has the third-highest ratio of individuals per household in Japan ,which is 3.33, it also ranks number one in Japan in terms of amount of living space; measured in tatami mats, Toyama has an average of 12.95 mats per person , and average of 154.9 square meter total living area per residence.

Some Basic Statistics of Toyama:

Flower: Tulip

Tree: Tateyama Cedar

Bird: Ptarmigan (Snow Grouse)

Animal: Serow, an antelope-like animal

Major Industries: Aluminum alloy, Aluminum sash, Copper cast

Toyama is probably one of the safest places to live in Japan, since it has low incidence of fires, earthquakes and crime. Plus, it has the highest ratio of road repair in the nation.

Click here to see a map of Japan all of the surrounding cities. Including Toyama.

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