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illustrationillustrationWitch's Faith
Episode 21 – Futility

Beginning of story ~ List of all 32 episodes


"Thanks, Faith! That was a totally cool burial!" Dawn was pleased: Buffy had let her plan the whole thing–within a very tight budget. Everyone else found it rather disturbing, and Faith shed a few real tears at the sight of the coffin sinking into the ground. Buffy had held her hand comfortingly. But the main thing was that, with a little luck, Dawn was now safe from Elise.

"You sure you won't get in trouble with your boss?" asked Tara on the way back to Buffy's.

"I'll have it all cleaned up by morning," Faith assured her. She really hadn't done much but dig an unnecessary hole, borrow a coffin, set up some chairs, and bring over a trash can which was now filled with Dawn's inedible "burial snacks."

Unlike Spike, who now had to stay out of his crypt and hide in a back room at the Magic Box, Dawn was quite enthusiastic about Buffy's plan. "This is the best, no more school, and Faith can teach me more kick-ass moves!"

Buffy set her straight. "The school doesn't actually think you're dead, Dawn! You'll still have homework." Dawn's face fell. "And we won't know right away whether it worked. If Elise thinks you're dead, then she can't promise the Key to her allies. But if anyone saw you get away... then we all just got dressed up for nothing! So you'll still be under guard all the time. And you'd better get used to wearing that beard whenever you leave the house."

Dawn pouted hairily.



"You look incredible, Faith! I love that dress!" Faith smiled and Buffy hastily added, "Given, of course, that I have no appreciation for the female form, and that even you ought to be ashamed of that much cleavage."

"Of course," Faith said drily as Buffy sat down and began looking over the menu. Faith had already ordered drinks and decided on her meal before Buffy arrived. By Faith's count, this was their eleventh date. By Buffy's count, she knew, it wasn't a date at all.

"Guess what?" said Buffy, "Anya found the demon who can activate the Key for Elise. Or claims he can."

Faith made enthusiastic staking motions with a breadstick. She was really loving being back on patrol, and there had been a lot of slaying to do lately.

"Not so fast. We know his name–Jatharal–and we know he's not in Sunnydale. But if Elise ever captures Dawn, he is sure to come, and he is very powerful. His breath can kill you. Literally. So Anya and Tara are hitting the books to decide how to beat him in case the worst happens." Faith staked the air some more. "We'll see if it's that simple!" said Buffy. "By the way, Dawn found your present, it made her day!"

Faith smiled. She had left Dawn a carved figure of the Key herself, fighting off no less than three terrified demons.



Tara climbed softly onto the bed. Willow was so cute in her sleep! It was odd for her to take a nap in the middle of the day, though. Tara was in the mood for something more satisfying than sleep, and decided to wake Willow with a little surprise. She unbuttoned her blouse partly, and slipped out of her bra. Baring one breast, she slipped the nipple between Willow's slightly parted lips.

No response. "Willow?" Nothing. It was as though Willow were in the sprite trance, except that Willow claimed her powers were still too weak even for that. Tara grew alarmed, and looked around the room hoping to see Willow's sprite come dancing out of hiding. "Willow? Come to me! Where are you?"

Even if Willow were at the height of her powers, a sprite could not travel far from a witch's body. Willow would be lucky to make it halfway down the hall before the pull of her body became too strong to fight. Tara went to the door and looked both ways. No sprite. Of course, Tara and Willow had a unique bond, and their sprites were drawn to one another as strongly as to their own bodies. So they could travel great distances, but only to find one another. And Willow's sprite was surely not following Tara now.

Tara began to panic. Had Willow attempted magic too soon and hurt herself? She approached the bed again and stepped on something just under the edge of the bed. It felt like a hot grape under her sock, except it did not burst. Tara lifted the edge of the bedspread and gasped. Willow's sprite lay in the darkness under the bed, flickering feebly and not moving. It was pure energy, and could not be harmed by being stepped on, but Tara had never seen a lifeless sprite before.

Tara picked Willow up gently in her palm and stroked her worriedly with two fingers. The she quickly pushed the sprite into Willow's mouth, and Willow's eyes fluttered open. Tara heaved a sigh of relief.

"Oh, Tara! I was so scared! I thought I could make my sprite, and then all of a sudden I was out of energy!"

Tara hugged Willow. "Leave it to you to cause the maximum trouble with the tiniest bit of power."

"I'm so sorry, Tara. I didn't mean to scare you. I wanted to surprise you."

"How long were you under there? Did it hurt?"

"Hours! Since lunch," said Willow, sitting up and glancing at the clock. "It didn't hurt, I just couldn't move." Willow noticed Tara's undone buttons and partly exposed breast. "Did you... put your breast in my mouth? That's what I call first aid!"

Tara blushed. "I thought you were just asleep."

Willow stroked the undersides of Tara's breasts lightly with the backs of her fingers. "Why don't you close the door and pick up where you left off?"

"Oops!" Tara jumped up to shut the door she had opened while searching for the sprite. She returned and sat astride Willow's lap for a kiss. "Do you feel like a little sprite play anyway?" she asked. Willow smiled with a gleam in her eye.

"Catch me!" said Tara, and slumped lifelessly towards Willow, trusting that she would be caught gently. Willow laid Tara down on the bed with a pillow under her head. But Tara's sprite had not appeared.

Willow decided to strip before seeking the sprite. After all, Tara was in no state to help her undress. Then, completely nude, she unzipped Tara's long denim skirt, from left hip to ankle, and pulled it aside. Separating Tara's legs slightly, she saw a telltale glow inside of the witch's panties. Willow slipped a finger inside the crotch of Tara's underwear and pulled the leg elastic aside to allow the sprite to escape. She let the back of her finger stroke Tara's lips gently. Then Tara was in her mouth, and they kissed.

Tara emerged at last and began gliding over Willow's body, eliciting a small gasp with every light, tingly touch. Willow lay back to let Tara explore. Eventually, Tara slipped inside of Willow's vagina, moving inside her in intensely pleasurable ways that Willow could not control. Willow winced and twitched beside her unmoving lover. Tara eventually slipped back out, pressing delightfully against Willow's clitoris on the way, and hovered in front of Willow's face. Then she zipped over to hover by the closet door handle.

Willow followed her and obediently opened the closet. Tara dove into the empty rat tank that rested on the floor. Willow smiled and took the tank out, setting it beside the bed on Tara's nightstand. "Should I shut you in?" Tara bobbed up and down, and Willow shut the hatch.

Tara watched helplessly as Willow began to pleasure her body. Somehow this didn't feel quite right to Willow, but she pulled Tara's shirt completely open and began licking every inch of exposed flesh. When she reached the waist of Tara's unzipped skirt, she paused to remove Tara's panties, sliding them awkwardly down the witch's legs, clad in knee-high stockings. Willow approached Tara's genitals reverently and began rolling the moist, protruding lips between her fingertips, while licking Tara's thighs.

Willow was lost in the erotic high of exploring her lover's helpless body, but eventually she became aware of a tapping sound. She looked around, and saw Tara's sprite hitting itself against the hatch of the tank. Willow quickly reached over to open the lid, and Tara darted through the air and back into her own vagina. She came out of her trance gasping, and not looking at all happy.

"Are you all right, Tara?"

"That was awful! I'm sorry... I know I wanted to try it. It's just... I felt so trapped. Claustrophobic. I don't like that at all!"

Willow touched Tara's cheek, sorry that she hadn't noticed her lover's distress earlier.

"You know what's really awful?" said Tara quietly. "I still want to do that to you."

Willow hugged Tara. "It didn't feel good when I did it to you. But I loved when you did it to me. I want you to do it again, for sure, when I have my sprite back."


"Oh, yes."

Tara held her hand in front of Willow's mouth. "Spit."

Willow looked at Tara, perplexed, but obediently spit into Tara's palm.

"Ewww!" exclaimed Tara, surprised. Then she looked at the clear saliva in her hand thoughtfully, and rubbed it between her legs. Willow's eyebrows raised. This was something new!

Tara put her hand in front of Willow's mouth again, and Willow began to salivate cooperatively. Tara shook her head. "Your sprite, silly!"

Comprehension dawned. "But Tara, I can't..." she trailed off, mesmerized by the trademark mix of shyness and raw lust in Tara's eyes.

"Come on, Pussy Willow, cough it up."

Willow summoned all her strength, and let her sprite out of her mouth. She slumped against Tara's shoulder. Her sprite hovered for a few seconds, glowing brightly, and then dropped into Tara's palm, flickering weakly.

Tara felt a sudden thrill. This was going to be so much more fun than the last time she did this to Willow! This time, there was no need for a tank to imprison the girl. Willow would not regain control of her body until Tara put the sprite back inside it. Until then, Tara controlled Willow's body and her sprite.

Tara rubbed Willow's own sprite over Willow's body, an unreal sensation that Willow felt twice at the same time–as her sprite and as her body. Then Tara rubbed herself with the spark of energy. Willow felt a slight thrill of fear when she found herself inside Tara's mouth. She could be swallowed and have no way to get herself out again! But helplessness is what she loved about this treatment, and she relaxed mentally, concentrating on the erotic sensations of Tara's tongue gliding over and around her sprite. And the even more exciting sensations that followed...

When Willow came, her body shook and writhed and moaned. But Tara was not touching it. When she had felt Willow was close, she had removed her fingers from the witch's vagina, licked them, and then sucked Willow's sprite off of the girl's collarbone where she had placed it to watch. She had always suspected that a sprite could be brought to orgasm, and she was right. She tongued the helpless sprite, and to Willow it was as though she were nothing but a human clitoris. Orgasm exploded through her body and her sprite both, and the spark brightened momentarily to a blinding white between Tara's lips.

Tara brought her own completion next, by rubbing Willow's sprite into herself. She lay back weakly afterwards, rolling Willow slowly between her fingers. She slipped Willow's sprite between the girl's red pubic curls and pressed it inside, feeling it dissipate. Willow, too, was exhausted, moving only to curl up to Tara, one leg over the witch's thighs, and nuzzle her ear gratefully.

"So, Willow," Tara said some time later, "I hate to ask, but... how do you think things will be when you have your powers back? Without... you know, without Faith?"

Willow snuggled closer. "It will be hard. But I'll be OK. I know that now... It's been weeks since I was able to do any real magic, and... I'm OK. So I know I can do it. I'm not exactly glad this happened to me, but maybe it proved something I needed to know about myself. And Faith will still be there for me, as a friend. I'll be there for her, too." Willow lifted her head to look into Tara's eyes. "Faith brought me out of my problems when nobody else could. Because she knew me. She knew what drove me. But I've learned from her, and now it's not her I need to make me strong. It's you, Tara."

"I know, Darling. I know." Tara's eyes were watering.

They cuddled for some time before Willow noticed the clock. "It's almost five!"

"Oh! We'd better get moving." Tara started pulling on her clothes.

"Are you sure we should do this?"

"She might be able to help, or she might know something. We have to try."

"I almost hope she's not even there," muttered Willow, dressing again. "I don't trust her one little bit."

"I know. But I'm not sure she's all that bad. I think she's giving Faith a fair chance, and I think Faith will prove herself with no trouble."



Faith stared down at Buffy, barely daring to breathe. One minute they had been sitting on the couch, exhausted after a day of heavy training together, and the next, Buffy was napping with her head in Faith's lap. Faith wanted to stroke the Slayer's beautiful ponytail, but she was afraid of awakening Buffy and ending this wonderful moment. Faith wore shorts, and the warmth of Buffy's cheek on her bare skin was more arousing than an hour of foreplay.

Unfortunately, a commotion erupted, disturbing Buffy's rest. Willow and Tara came running down the stairs, late for something or other. Buffy sighed and... rolled over. Now she was asleep facing Faith. Faith could even feel the heat of Buffy's breath through her shorts. The look of near panic on Faith's face made Willow laugh in spite of the grim mission she and Tara were embarking on. "Looks like you've got a situation on your hands!" the redhead whispered.

Faith blushed and shrugged slightly, but did not dare to speak. She was thankful that the witches shut the door quietly on their way out.

Faith looked down at Buffy in awe. Her attempts at seduction were pure futility, but her need only grew as the goal became more unattainable. If she could not share her body with the Slayer, she didn't know what she would do. She may as well go satisfy herself with Elise in darker ways if she couldn't have Buffy.

What am I doing? thought Buffy. Why did I pretend to go to sleep? She stayed put for nearly half an hour deciding how to pretend to wake up.



Tara and Willow arrived at Mrs. Betts' hotel room just a few minutes late.

"Come in." The room was empty of all signs of habitation, except for a single suitcase, a coffee mug that read "Mrs. Bitch," and her beloved pickaxe. "You said you had something important to discuss."

"Yes. And we have to ask you not to tell Faith or Buffy," Willow insisted

"Very well. I can promise you that, unless the Council orders me otherwise. I will be telling them what you have to say, if it's important."

"It's about Faith and Buffy," Tara said. They explained about the Oracle.

Mrs. Betts was surprised. "You summoned the Oracle? You are quite a witch, Ms. Rosenberg!"

"You know about the Slayer's Oracle?"

"Of course. The Council has the spell needed to summon it. But they keep it in reserve, using it only when absolutely vital. Because it can only be used once every hundred years. When they began to suspect Faith was allying herself with vampires, they decided to use it. And you had beaten them to it. They were very angry. Of course, they didn't know it was you. I'm glad it was: now I can tell them what it said. So tell me–word for word."

Willow took a deep breath, afraid to speak the words aloud. "It said, 'The Slayer is divided. It is an abomination which must be righted. There should not be two Slayers.' Then it said, 'The fate of the Slayers is written. Soon there will be not two, but one!'" Willow's repressed fear showed in her eyes. "I asked if one of the Slayers would just lose her powers, but it said no!"

If the witches were hoping for some kind of good news from the Watcher, some way out, they were to be disappointed. "This is very bad. The Oracle is never wrong." Mrs. Betts sat in thought for a while. "I agree with you, we should not tell them. It's the last thing they need to worry about now while dealing with Elise." The Watcher began to pace around the room. "Oracles and prophecies are never to be trusted. It is almost never possible to truly know what their words predict. But I can think of only one reason for hope: the word 'soon.' What is 'soon' to a demon who appears once a century at most? Perhaps either Buffy or Faith will die 'soon' in two years. That's a ripe old age for a Vampire Slayer." This was not something the witches wanted to hear. Willow thought sadly of Kendra, who had died so very young. "There have been two Slayers at once before," the Watcher continued. "Not often, but it is in the histories. The Oracle is right, that does go against the tradition of the Slayer legend. But having two Slayers isn't fatal by itself. Something else must be about to happen."

Willow and Tara held each other, shedding silent tears. There was no hope, and nothing they could do!

Mrs. Betts sighed. "I'd better train Faith especially thoroughly, in case she's all we have left!"


Continue to Episode 22 – Taken.

Buffy bounded over to the table. "You're my goddess, Faith!" She helped herself to salad from the large bowl, and unwrapped her napkin. Out rolled a knife, fork, spoon and... what? Something silver and cylindrical, about the size of a candy bar.

"I know for a fact you're hungry for more than food, B." Faith had her own cylinder as well.



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