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illustrationillustrationWitch's Faith
Episode 22 – Taken

Beginning of story ~ List of all 32 episodes


"So you've still got nothing for us to use against Jatharal," said Mrs. Betts. Scooby meetings were much less fun with Faith's Watcher around.

"No," said Tara. "Whatever his weaknesses are, he doesn't let people find out."

"But it doesn't matter anymore, does it?" asked Dawn, "I mean, Elise thinks I'm dead, right? So she's not going to be handing me over to Jath-whatever anyway!"

"Right," said Buffy. "It looks like Elise is losing a lot of support now that she can no longer promise to capture you."

"Keep researching. Just in case." Mrs. Betts seemed to think she could order everyone around, not just Faith.

"That is what we decided," said Tara, putting a slight emphasis on the "we." "We won't let Jatharal drop yet."

"Mrs. Betts," said Buffy, "I want to ask you not to come patrolling with us anymore. In fact, Faith and I are planning on patrolling alone for a while."

"May I ask why?"

"You're good in a fight. It's not that. But I want to start making quick attacks, just Faith and I. We've got Slayer speed and stamina–I want to use it. Without being slowed down by anyone. So if it's OK with everyone, we'll ask for help when we need it, but for now we'll work alone, just Faith and I."

"Will you give me your word to stay close to Faith?" asked Mrs. Betts.

"Still don't trust her? Fine, I'll stick close!" Buffy had very little patience for the Watcher.

"Then I'll step aside. For now."



Buffy and Faith were on a roll. Tonight they had slain more vampires and demons by themselves than the whole gang would be able to most evenings, leaving just a few survivors to report back to Elise. The message was increasingly clear: the Slayers were both on the same side, and not to be messed with.

Midnight came and went. They had been patrolling for hours and felt like they could go on forever. Each slaying was more satisfying than the last–and with Faith, unlike her other friends, Buffy was not ashamed to let it show. They were the Slayers, and nothing could be better than that.

Around 1 AM, surveying yet another hillside where vampires might be lurking, Faith asked, "Getting tired yet?"

"Not even a little!" said Buffy, eager for the next fight.

"Me neither," said Faith. It wasn't true–Faith was starting to tire–but she hated letting on that she was not quite as strong Buffy. Never had been and never would be. That jealousy would always be there–but tinged with admiration, and Faith could deal with it.

"Still," Faith continued, "we do have to train tomorrow. I wonder if we should try to get some sleep."

"You think you could sleep? I'll never sleep again!"

"I hear you, B! Tell you what, let's go back to my place. I have food stashed. Good food." Faith had been waiting for the perfect night to surprise Buffy, and it looked like this was the time.

The prospect of eating convinced Buffy. She and Faith always came back from patrolling starving: their powers took a lot from their bodies. "Now you're talking. Why don't they have all-night buffets in this town?"

"I'll be your all-night buffet any time, B!"



"Close your eyes."

Buffy complied, and Faith unloaded a feast from the fridge. Salad, bread, cheese, and wine. She set two places at the small table, complete with tableware wrapped in cloth napkins and a tall candle. "Open your eyes!"

Buffy bounded over to the table. "You're my goddess, Faith!" She helped herself to salad from the large bowl, and unwrapped her napkin. Out rolled a knife, fork, spoon and... what? Something silver and cylindrical, about the size of a candy bar.

"I know for a fact you're hungry for more than food, B." Faith had her own cylinder as well.

Buffy looked at the device, not comprehending.

"Are you kidding me?" Faith almost began to laugh. "You have stared death in the face, seen sights that would send most people screaming to the loony bin... and you don't know a vibrator when you see one?"

Buffy's mouth opened in surprise. She looked at her new toy curiously. "I hope this means you've given up trying to meet my needs yourself."

"Sure, whatever you like, B."

They ate and ate and ate, but Buffy's eyes kept returning to the vibrator. Faith was so right–after slaying, she needed an orgasm in the worst way.

"Give it a try, B. These are top of the line. Trust me, I used to smuggle them into prison. Turn the base to set the speed. And they're heated! Give it a minute to warm up before you touch yourself."

Buffy was blushing, but her eyes wandered to the bathroom door.

Faith shook your head. "Do it right, B..." she carried her own vibrator to the bed and lay down comfortably, patting the covers beside her.

"I think I'll take my privacy, thank you very much!"

"Of course." Faith pulled a blanket over herself, and turned back the corner on the empty side of the bed.

Buffy reluctantly approached the bed with her own device. "OK, but you stay the hell away from me!" She climbed under the blanket and lay down, feeling foolish.

"Don't worry." Faith unbuckled her pants under the blanket and tossed them on the floor along with her underwear. She looked at Buffy, who was frowning at her. "It will work through your pants, probably. Just... not very well."

Buffy rolled her eyes and moved under the blanket to strip herself to shirt and socks.

Buffy held her vibrator in her hands and looked at it shyly. Faith took it from her, turned it on and waited for several seconds. "See if it's warm yet." She touched it to Buffy's lips.

Buffy jerked her face away and grabbed it roughly, still just looking at it.

Faith turned her own on and raised her knees wide under the blanket. Her hand carried the tool out of sight and a suggestive bulge in the covers began moving slowly between her legs. She looked at Buffy.

"Don't look at me! Eyes straight ahead, you perv." Buffy hesitantly spread her own legs, not raising them off the bed, and moved her vibrator to touch herself lightly. Her eyes widened. "Wow..." It did seem like this was going to feel quite pleasant. She moved the tip lightly over her hairless lips, staying away from her clitoris because the sensations there were too intense to feel good.

Faith watched Buffy's motions carefully and offered helpful advice. "Just turn it slower, B."

"Eyes straight ahead!" said Buffy, and she raised her own knees to tent the blanket and make her motion slightly less visible. But she did take the vibrator out of the blanket and turn it down. Faith risked a brief violation of the eyes-ahead rule, hoping to see moisture smeared on the toy's tip. She was not disappointed.

Faith writhed and moaned, exaggerating only slightly. This was quite possibly the most erotic experience she had ever had, and the tension of Buffy's shyness only added to it. She slowed down, not wanting to orgasm before Buffy. She wanted to enjoy the sounds of Buffy's climax, feel the shaking of the mattress, while still at the peak of her own need.

But Buffy knew she would not come today, for the same reason that had often plagued her recently when masturbating. It had felt wonderful at first, and even better when set to a lower speed, but she could not shake the image of Faith from her mind. And she would not have an orgasm with Faith's face in her head. She knew why it was. Faith had been hounding her mercilessly, dropping offensive suggestions at every opportunity. No wonder Faith's lovely face came to her at these times. And that habit, once formed, was proving difficult to break. Damn it! She needed to come!

Buffy pulled the vibrator away from herself whenever thoughts of Faith intruded, which was constantly. She tried to focus on numerous other images, but none would stay in her mind. Finally, in desperation, she talked herself into a compromise. If Faith wanted to haunt her, then fine. Nothing sexual, though! She imagined holding Faith tightly in bed, as she had the night Mrs. Betts almost took her away. In Buffy's mind, Faith was asleep, facing away from her. Just warm contact between friends. And it was all the fantasy she needed to feel orgasm approaching at last.

Faith watched out of the corner of her eye as Buffy's hips started to rock involuntarily, and recorded every gasp and whimper of the Slayer in her mind, to replay in her dreams. But Buffy seemed caught on the edge, close to orgasm but never achieving it. And meanwhile, Faith was afraid she would be unable to control her own reactions much longer.

Buffy felt very strange, caught in a timeless state that felt incredible but was not the release she craved. She was not consciously aware that her fantasy had shifted subtly, and that in her mind she was now humping against Faith's round behind.

Then Faith came, with a hoarse cry, and her legs swung wide involuntarily, her knee touching Buffy's. The sound and the touch somehow pushed Buffy past the edge. Her moan was low and ragged, but her face betrayed the intensity of her climax. She leaned forward over her blanketed knees, gasping, her face in her hand.

"You're welcome!" breathed Faith, placing a hand on Buffy's back.

"Don't touch me!" Buffy jumped up, wrapping the blanket around herself and leaving Faith half-naked and exposed. Not looking at the dark Slayer, Buffy gathered her pants and underwear and ducked into the bathroom to dress. Faith licked Buffy's discarded vibrator, first hungrily–she might never get to experience this taste again–and then just sadly. Then she dressed herself. She tried to give Buffy's vibrator back to her, but the Slayer was ignoring her angrily. Faith dropped it into Buffy's pocket and left Buffy to her troubled thoughts.

Buffy was angrier at herself than at Faith, and was sorry to see how hurt Faith looked on the ride home. Faith had gone to such trouble to arrange a special treat after slaying. But Buffy found herself unable to find any words, or even look at Faith. She retired to her room in silence and fell into a deep sleep.

Faith did not sleep, or even lie down. She sat on the couch through the night, trying not to cry and usually succeeding. She was hurt, angry and scared all at once. The evening could not have gone worse. Faith had had such hopes that this would be the night some important barriers were broken down between the Slayers. Now Faith sat in the dark in an angry stillness. She wanted to go to Elise and take the vampire's young body. Willingly... or by force. And she wanted Buffy to know it. She wanted to hurt instead of being hurt. She wanted, just a little, to be evil.



"This is not Elise's week." Buffy reported to the group how many cells of Elise's followers she and Faith had slain in just a few days.

"Well it's not going to get any better," said Xander. "Look here." He pointed to a spot on a rough map of the Sunnydale sewer system. "This area looks empty, but there are actually tunnels there. Sewers that were never used because–get this–the area was turned into cemeteries instead of housing."

"You think that could be Elise's base?" asked Faith, leaning in closer.

"It is," Spike said with certainty. "I have connections. They've confirmed it."

"Spike!" said Buffy sternly. "That's all very helpful but you are supposed to be staying out of sight! What if your 'connections' let on that they've seen you alive? How long will it be before Elise comes back for Dawn then?"

"Don't worry, Buffy. They won't breathe a word. They're too afraid of you."

"I hope you're right!"

But Spike was wrong.



Buffy eyed Faith suspiciously. "Yes... you can borrow my wax kit. But... how did you know I wax down there? Did you go through my things?" Buffy was actually hoping the answer was yes.

"No, B., I saw you. And may I say it is an adorable look on you!"

"When did you look at me?!"

"Duh, B.! You gave me quite a show when you first moved into my place, remember? You were peeing in the sink!"

"You looked at me... there?!"

"Settle down! It's a compliment. I want to look like you. Do you think hairless would suit me?" Faith lifted the front of her skirt. She was wearing underwear, much to Buffy's relief, but this was a public place. The Slayers were walking to Buffy's car after Faith's evening duties at the graveyard were complete.

"Faith, stop that!" Buffy was irritated.

Faith let her skirt fall modestly back into place, but she wasn't done harassing Buffy yet. "So, how do I use it?"

"You just put it on, pretty thick, and wait..." Buffy stopped. "You read the directions if you can't figure it out."

"Will you help me do it? I'm afraid it will hurt."

"I hope it does." Buffy was finally getting tired of Faith's advances. And Faith was getting tired of making them.



Faith and Buffy had slain or scattered all of the smaller cells of Elise's vampires and demons that they had been able to discover. Now they were working on the larger groups, higher up in Elise's organization. It was no coincidence that they were often to be found in the sewer system, close to Elise's stronghold–which would soon be the Slayers' next target.

The two were slogging through a damp, low tunnel, hoping to find a way down to the next level where a nest of demons had been reported. Suddenly, Elise dropped in front of them. She wore the same black dress that Faith had assaulted her in–only now, it was torn wide open revealing both breasts.

And... it wasn't Elise. Another decoy. On closer inspection, this vampire only slightly resembled Elise. Faith's eyes narrowed. What game was this?

"I have a message from Elise," the girl said nervously.

"Well I'm not interested in her messages."

"Not for you. For her." The girl turned to Buffy. "Elise wants you to know... your wife likes to fuck vampires. She likes to fuck Elise best of all." Both Slayers immediately took offense just as intended.

Buffy herself had been accused of similar behavior in the past. She staked the vampire quickly. "Elise is crazy. Remember the good old days when the bad guys never sent topless singing telegrams?"

"Completely mad," agreed Faith. She hurried ahead, hoping to destroy any other messengers before they could speak.



"Careful! Dawn made that." Faith put out a hand to stop Buffy from greedily consuming a slice of what appeared to be chocolate onion pie.

Buffy looked at the pie for a moment. "I don't even care. I'm starving!" She ate it without a fork, wishing that Faith had made another surprise feast. It had been another very successful night on patrol, but now the needs of the Slayer's bodies were demanding their price. Faith was eating dry cereal out of the bottoms of old boxes.

Finally sated, Buffy and Faith looked at one another. "Do you want a little time, um, in my room..." said Buffy awkwardly. She knew what they both needed next, but Faith had no privacy on the couch.

"Your room would be great, B, but frankly I could do you right here on the table!"

"I meant you could go in there while I'm in the shower! But forget it, I'm going in there now. Have fun in the bathroom." Buffy stormed away angrily.

"Easy, Buffy, I'm just kidding!" Faith followed her up the stairs.

"Well, I'm getting tired of it. You just won't let it go!"

"Come on, B. Don't tell me you're not just the teeniest bit curious about what it would be like with me."

"I am not." Buffy turned on Faith angrily.

Faith sighed, following Buffy into her bedoom. "Remember once upon a time when you wouldn't even admit you were hungry after slaying? All I could get out of you was that you occasionally enjoyed a lowfat yogurt afterwards!"

"You think I'm holding out on you? I'm not. I fully admit it: I get hungry and I get horny. But not for you!"

"OK, Buffy. But answer me this." Faith removed the vibrator that she knew was hidden under Buffy's pillow. "Right here, right now... what do you need? A lowfat yogurt?" She turned on the device and took Buffy's hand, gliding it over the Slayer's fingertips. Then she tossed it away onto the bed. "Or a real feast?" She took Buffy's fingers into her mouth, licking them sensually.

"Ohmygodgetawayfromme!" Buffy kicked Faith in the stomach and sent her reeling back into the hall. They heard creaking in Willow and Tara's room–their argument had awoken someone. Wide-eyed and shaking, Buffy wiped her fingers on her pants and slammed the door on Faith.



Faith undressed in the bathroom and started the shower, moving automatically, unable to think of anything but Buffy's cruel rejection. She sat naked on the bathroom floor, letting the water run. She did not cry, but simply stared intensely at nothing, lost in her own pain. She knew now that this was more than just the denial of her sexual urges. Buffy had hurt her, deeply, yet again... but this time it was Faith's own fault. She realized with a sudden rush of self-loathing that she had made a terrible mistake for the second time in her life. The ultimate weakness. She had fallen in love.

Faith stepped into the shower and leaned on the wall with both arms, barely feeling the water at all. The darkness inside her welled up–that strange darkness that she could neither understand nor control. It filled her with a very different kind of desire. She wanted to be with Elise. With a girl who fed off of human blood and took life without mercy. With a girl who would hate her and be hated in return.

A small voice outside the shower's glass door startled Faith. She turned her head to see a nude, distorted form silhouetted in the light. "Take me Faith... before I change my mind." Faith slid open the door, and her wounded heart melted under Buffy's ravenous eyes.


End of Volume IV: Last Chance

Continue to Volume V: Slayer's Burden (final volume) – Episode 23 – Slow.

Willow looked more afraid than disappointed. She was hoping she wouldn't have to go through with this, but it looked like she would. She hoped she was doing the right thing. She hoped Tara would understand. "Buffy, come and sit down." The witch's tone filled the Slayer with icy fear. "What is it? Is it Dawn?



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