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Part Seven

He'd mentioned it before, but I never really expected it to happen. I mean, I did get leave sometimes, we all did. It wasn't easy to come by but it existed. Ray was rotated back a little further behind lines, and he wrote to me about maybe meeting me in Tokyo 'for some R and R. Mostly R.' I almost hyperventilated. That's a fancy word for I had a hard time breathing, just thinking about it.

Things had been as quiet as you could expect things to be in a war zone, I guess. I s'pose even the enemy gets tired and takes a break every now and then. In any case, there weren't many casualties coming through, so I asked Colonel Blake about a pass. I hadn't taken any for a long time, what with it being kind of crazy up till just recently, and I was due.

I was ready for any objection. I'd already asked Klinger if he would cover for me in the office. Max knew typing and shorthand, too. I hadn't expected that. But like he said, "I'm a man of many and hidden talents, kid. I don't just look good in a pair of nylons."

I didn't have any trouble, though. "Hell yeah, Radar. I'll put the paperwork through right now. You deserve it. You saved my butt, typing up that quarterly report so quick."

"Thank you, sir. Next time maybe you might start on it sooner than the day before it's due. It didn't make a whole lot of sense."

"Those things never do, son. But you got the margins even, and the spacing neat, and you did it with triple carbons. That's what they look for. I don't think anybody reads the damn things unless they're bucking for scrambled eggs on their shoulders."

(Don't think Colonel Blake is goofy, or anything. About the eggs. He means in case someone is trying for a promotion, because the braid that goes on their shoulders... Ah, it's kind of an army thing.)

So that's how I ended up flying to Tokyo to meet Ray on a three day pass. I got to spend two nights before I had to fly back the third evening. I was so excited when the plane touched down that I was almost doing that hyperwhachacallit thing again.

We taxied around the run way, and I was peering through the window, kind of anxious. Ray was s'posed to meet me here. I didn't know what I was gonna do if I couldn't find him.

I got off the plane and started toward the little office, with everyone else. Some people came out of the building to meet the passengers. And there was Ray.

You couldn't miss him, he was the tallest one. And, well, Ray just sort of stands out in a crowd anyway. At least I think so.

I could feel myself break into a big, goofy grin, and I ran. While I was running, part of my brain was saying, *Geez, Radar! What are you thinking of? Do you want to embarrass him in front of everybody?* But I wasn't really listening.

I managed to control myself just before I slammed into him. I skidded to a halt, snapped to attention, and gave him a salute with the kind of enthusiasm I'd never have for Colonel Flagg. "Hi, Sarge."

He laughed. Then he hugged me, hard, pounding my back. I laughed, too, but I was kind of wondering if maybe we should be doing this right out on the airstrip, when he grabbed my butt. I yelped.

"It's okay, Walter." he said, letting me go. "Look." He indicated two other guys, one of whom I'd flown over with. They were hugging and pounding and yelling and... yeah, grabbing each other's butts. "It's okay when you haven't seen someone for a long time. Or during sports, though I haven't been able to figure that one out."

He picked up my bag from where I'd dropped it. "Come on. We need to go find a room."

A room, as in one. No questions, no hesitations. I felt relieved. As we walked through the streets, he slung an arm around my shoulders. "So, Walter. Made the trip okay? Not feeling dragged out by the traveling."

"Nope. I had a nap on the way over."

"Good. Glad to hear it. Because I don't know how much rest you're gonna get." He looked down at me, eyes gleaming. "But you're going to get a hell of a lot of recreation." He leaned down and whispered in my ear. "I intend to fuck you through the mattress."

I gulped. Oh, man, he was bad, talking to me like that out on the street where I couldn't do anything to him. "You're such a sweet talker."

"What can I say? You bring out the romantic in me. This looks like a good place. Right next to a bath house."

It was small, not more than a dozen rooms, but clean. When I tried to help pay for the room, Ray shoved my wallet back in my pocket. "What kind of a date do you think I am, Walter? I asked you."

A bellboy, the manager's son, I think, carried our bags up to the room. There wasn't much in it. Just a sink, a bed, a rickety table and an old armchair. There was a window that looked out on the marketplace, and a portable fan on the table. That was going to come in handy. Air conditioning was starting to get more widespread, but it sure wasn't available in cheap hotels in Tokyo.

The bellboy dumped our bags on the bed, and opened the window. He started pointing. "Bed. Wash. Fan. You want booze?"

Ray started to loosen his tie. He was watching me closely. "Nah. We can get some for ourselves later."

"You want girl? Very clean. Pretty."

Ray tossed the tie on the bed, and started to open his shirt. I could feel myself starting to sweat, and it wasn't because the room was hot. "No thanks."

The bellboy sighed, and looked at me. "You want girl?"

"Maybe some other time." The shirt landed on the chair, and Ray pulled his undershirt over his head. It was getting hard to breath again.

The bellboy shrugged, laid the key on the table, and left. I bolted the door after him.

As I turned around, Ray slammed into me. All of a sudden I was pinned up against the door, Ray's body pressed the length of mine. One hand grabbed my chin, and he kissed me. He licked my lips in the second it took me to get them open, then plunged his tongue into my mouth. He kissed me like someone had told him that both our lives depended on it.

I wrapped my arms around him and started sucking on his tongue. His hand moved down between us, and I heard the rake of a zipper. I didn't know it was mine till he reached in, and his hand closed around me, digging my cock out. I was already hard.

I jerked my head back in pleasure, banging against the door. "Ray!"

He growled. His hand moved away, and there was another zip. I felt the brush of soft, heated skin, and his cock slid against mine. I moaned, pushing back at him. He gripped my shoulders and started to thrust against me.

I wanted to respond, but he had me pressed so tight to the door that I really couldn't move. All I could do was hang on, but that was enough. He was muttering to me, "God, baby, I'm sorry, but I can't wait. Next time. Next time, slow. But I need this."

"Me, too. Don't stop, Ray. Please don't stop." I spread my legs, trying to give him more room. But I also needed to brace myself, because he was moving me. I was thumping against the door with every lunge. With those thin walls, it must've sounded like someone was trying to knock it down with a battering ram.

We were both really close. I hadn't been with anyone else since Ray. I knew I'd missed him, but I didn't realize how horny I was till he grabbed me. Now I felt like I was about to just explode.

I could tell he was close, too. There was that extra little strain when he pushed against me. I wanted to help him along. I reached around and grabbed his ass. I dug my fingers in hard, squeezing the firm muscles, pulling him even tighter against me.

Ray's head dropped, forehead pressing to my shoulder, and he cried out, "Walter! Oh, damn, kid!" I felt hot, sticky liquid bathe my cock as he came. His hand wrapped around me again, big and warm, and he began stroking me strongly. "You, too, baby boy. Come for me."

His hand slid on me easily, slicked by his own spunk and my pre-come. I whimpered as he stroked the pad of his thumb over my cock head. "That's it, baby. Give it to me, don't hold out on me." I banged my head back against the door again as I came.

It felt like the jizm was boiling up clear from my toes. I read a... *ahem* adult book once, that was translated from French. They called an orgasm 'la petite morte', which means a little death. Yeah, I can see that. I mean, I know I stop breathing. And I could pretty much have died happy right then, if it wasn't for the fact that I still had about 48 hours to spend with Ray. And I was pretty sure A lot was going to happen in those 48 hours.

Ray finally stood still, leaning against me. He was breathing heavily. I looked up at him. He had that look on his face again, the one that I love. The one that makes him look younger, and peaceful, and just pleased to be alive. I put that look on his face. I figure that was one of the things I was proudest of.

He smiled at me. "Well, I know I said the mattress. I almost screwed you through the door, though."

"Sh." I turned my head so that my ear rested against the door, and listened.

Ray dropped his voice to a whisper. "What is it?"

I whispered back. "I think someone's out in the hall. I heard a scrape."

"Oh. Well, they had a nice little show, didn't they?" He nibbled my ear.

I was worried, but I giggled. Well, it tickled, okay? You try and be serious while someone's nibbling your earlobe. "No, really Ray. You don't think they heard us?"

He propped his elbows on the door, still keeping me between his arms, but holding his weight off me as he looked down, smiling. "Kid, I wouldn't be surprised if my mother and her lap consort heard us back in the states."

"Oh, geez."

He stood back, but pulled me into a hug. "Walter, don't sweat it. They don't notice things like that in a place like this. You'd have to skin and gut someone with a dull knife for them to make enough noise to annoy the management." He grabbed my hair, and shook my head gently. "Just relax. You brought fresh clothes, right?"

"Yeah. A good thing, too." I pulled away and looked down at myself. "I really can't think of any way to explain this."

My shirt and pants were splattered with ropey white strands of come.

Ray reached out and dabbed at a pearly smear. "Yours or mine?"

"Heck, who can tell? Both, probably."

Ray raised his finger to his mouth, popped it in, and sucked with a considering look on his face. Then he withdrew it and smacked his lips. "Tastes like you."


"From what I can remember, anyway." His eyes were warm. No, sultry. Sultry's a good word. "I'll need another sample later to be sure."

Was I ever going to get where this man couldn't make me blush? "You aren't any neater. That's the first time I've ever seen you less than squared away, Ray."

"Well, it was in a good cause. Let's get changed, and go hunt up some lunch. I suddenly have an appetite."

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