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  • Name: Catherine Elizabeth Blair
  • Date Of Birth: October 26
  • Age: 18
  • Geographical Location: I am currently residing in West Salem, Ohio, but I am originally from Brooklyn, New York.
  • Pets: I have two cats, Fred and Tiggweed, whom I love dearly, and a horse named Fire (my favorite little element). ;)
  • Favorite Movies: My genres of choice are horror and thriller movies. Hannibal is one of my favorites. ;)
  • Favorite Books: My genres of choice are horror and thrillers. Stephen King, Judith McNaught, Piers Anthony, Anne Rice, Barbara Hambly, Tom Piccirilli, Jeffery Deaver, Danielle Steel, Dean Koontz, and John Grisham are a few of my favorite authors. ;)
  • Favorite Music: I love alot of different types of music. I'm really into R&B and rap right now (yeah, it's a phase). I also enjoy World music.
  • Favorite Colors: The whole damn rainbow is my favorite color. ;)
  • Free time: That word isn't in my dictionary. LOL, occasionally, when I'm not swamped with work (which is like, never), I enjoy walking, singing, dancing, and learning new things. I took some Middle Eastern dance classes awhile back, and I now can "belly dance" quite well. I also am getting into a few Hip-Hop dance classes (ah, the stage once again manages to effect my life dramatically), meaning I will have 0 free time.
  • Personal Goals: I am an aspiring currently playing with a few ideas ::looks to trash can to see pile of shredded and crumpled papers which used to resemble about 50 pages of first book::


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