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*This is not a roleplaying or lifestyler/aesthetic site*



So, you think your site deserves my award?




About the Award

I give my awards to those who request them. That is, if I think their site is worth a damn.

Basically, if you have a vampire (or closely related in nature) website that halfway descent, you'll get an award.

Now, I said "an award", not "the award". There is a difference. The regular awards do to regular websites. The especially wonderful websites get better awards, for their webmaster abilities surpass the "regular" people. They are then deemed excellent, and therefore shall receive the "Website Excellence" award.

Just follow the directions and I'll check out your site. ;)

Thanks, and have fun...




So, you want an award, huh?

To apply for an award from moi, all you have to do is ave the following criteria in an e-mail to me:

  • Your name
  • Your e-mail address
  • Your website's name
  • Your website's URL
  • Your website's description
  • The number of the award you want

*You can apply for more than one award as long as they in a different group (meaning one group is a Magickal Site Award and the other is in the Educational Witchy Site Award). I will almost always have more than one award format for each group you can choose from.

*You must be able to receive attachments if you want an award!



Sample Award
...more coming soon!



*I customize awards to fit your website's graphics and layout upon request.



Dark Obsessions is owned,
designed, and maintained by
[Catherine Blair].
Nothing within this website
should be copied or used without
the [my] written permission.

Copyright © 2001
by [Catherine Blair]