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*This is not a roleplaying or lifestyler/aesthetic site*



So, you want to e-mail me? Please go down the list first:

  • Have you checked to see if your questions have already been answered in the [FAQ] page?
  • SPAM: E-mails I consider spam will be reported to the appropriate officials. I have *ZERO SPAM TOLERANCE*.
  • Are you going to add me to your mailing list? Don't. I will treat it as SPAM. This goes for UCE, book announcements, horror graphic collections, story site, "thank you for signing my guestbook, please visit me" e-mails for guestbooks I know damn well I never signed, etc., etc. This is not limited to the examples given.
  • No messages about the latest virus warning, unless you can back it up with a live link from Symantec or another major anti-virus software maker. You forget that type of link, I reserve the right to treat it as SPAM. If the message says "Send this to all your friends!" or "Tell everyone you know!" it's NOT a live virus warning, it's an urban legend.
  • I will not:
    • Send "all the information" I have --- that is what this website is for.
    • Meet total strangers I've never seen before and only just heard from.
    • Turn you into a vampire. If you planned on asking this of me, you defidently have not read the FAQ section. [Read it].
    • Yes, I know people are skeptical of *real* vampires -that doesn't mean we don't exist. :P
    • If you're going to tell me how you're thousands of years old, or part of some "secret vampire society", or some clan (regardless of whether it sounds like V:TM terms or not) don't bother. I'm not impressed by fake-old-english speak, especially when the grammer doesn't match or the spelling is horrid.
    • I do not advocate murder, abuse, or ways to get blood from an unwilling donor - so don't ask!


    Now that you've read the above, decide whether you really need to e-mail me. If so, then go to the [feedback] section on the site.



    Dark Obsessions is owned,
    designed, and maintained by
    [Catherine Blair].
    Nothing within this website
    should be copied or used without
    the [my] written permission.

    Copyright © 2001
    by [Catherine Blair]