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I had been interested in Magick for a long time before I actually committed myself to it. I discovered Wicca and Witchcraft from the books I had read as a young girl, and that inspired me to do some research. My love of knowledge and life lead me to this path, and I believe that it is what I was meant to be (or maybe that's just the after-dinner cocktail talking, but hey, it's what I believe).

I known one too many Witches who have yet to "come out of the closet" with their beliefs, and that is why I have decided I will never hide my beliefs from others. Fear of rejection is probably the biggest cause for this, and on that note I have only one thing to say: if the person you tell really loves and accepts you, they should also accept your beliefs.

Remember that Witches are not evil. They do not worship the Devil, and in fact, many do not believe in the Devil at all.

Also remember to keep an open mind about others' beliefs. No religion is better than another, and everyone deserves to have something to believe in.


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