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Beta Test

* May 2004

It seemed neverending. Staff cycled in and out, players came in and out. OIM was always in a light flux, yet was stable at about 15 active players, including staff characters. From January 2003 to May 2004, 50 plots were run and finished. This doesn't include single-shot scenes like robberies. It refers to story arcs with at least 4 scenes plus legwork and up to subplots that took the full year to finish and went into 8 pages of legwork. It was rough at times, but the designed systems held up well. Finally, on May 22, 2004, the final scene for Assento Do Diabo was run by Chimera. On May 23rd, we went to Beta test. The MUSH would leap from 1982 to 2004: Present Day.

* October 28, 2004

We are now firmly into running. Beta test is over, and we're past the danger year. Certain problems exist with the small playerbase, and even the loss of a few means we take a hit in RP. But the plots continue, and people are still interested. We seem to get and keep a new player every few months. The system is extremely small, but stable. It's more of an online tabletop campaign (or real-time PBeM), but the same is now true of ChampionsMUSH.

OIM has withstood the early tests. It is now running almost 3 years, stable. So, in November 2005, we opted to take the next step: Making Olympus Island into an MMORPG. Will we be able to do it? Stay tuned.


Story of Beta Test