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Chapter 3


It was morning, at least the clock said so. Hard to see how light it was outside in space.


Rick got up, looking over to see Meg still sleeping softly in her bed, a smile on her face like she was dreaming about locking onto another kitty...He went over to her, putting a hand on her cheek, seeing how long it'd take her to notice.


"Ah! Aw...It's you." She swatted him in the face, surprised by the wakeup call. She rubbed the sleep out of her eyes before getting up.


As she stood up, Rick could see the scars all over her legs and feet. The Covans were widely known, yet in recent years the family was poor. Meg had been a worker because of this...Yet they had a great military history, her father an ace before a Dralthi pilot killed him several years back.


Rick was already dressed in his uniform before Meg even got out of bed, still barefoot in a tanktop and shorts. As she started putting on her socks she turned to him.


"Wonder what we'll do today." Rick looked back at her.


"Aw...Nothing compared to Port Hedland."


"...We didn't do anything at Hedland, Rick."


"Well, we were born there, we're real heroes there." She rolled her eyes as she finished dressing up, Rick patting her on the back.


"Calm down Mae, just a joke."


"Yeah...That's where I got all these ugly scars too. Damn Draymans! Never get in the transport business Rick, damn stupid cats always shoot at you..." He nodded, a long time ago Meg had flown civilian Draymans as part of a delivery service. One time a couple of cats mistaked her for a military ship...They nearly destroyed it before some Hornets arrived, the explosions killed off most of the crew except for her and the co-pilot. It left her with all of the scars on her legs, most of them anyways.


"Don't worry, I won't..." He put a hand on her cheek; she blushed in reply.


"Thanks buddy." He helped her up as they went out of their quarters to the mission room. As she walked off Rick stared at a picture of a girl with long dark hair and eyes, very pretty...He sighed as he walked after Mae.


Allison was already there, Commander Mollo waiting for them.


"Good morning everyone. Now I got an assignment for you three. As Honeybee found out, there is an enemy presence in the Enyo system. Now before we have the other Exeters and the Tiger's Claw jump in, we must clear the jump point area out." Allison's eyes widened as soon as the Tiger's Claw was mentioned.


"So we are setting out on a search and destroy mission. You three have first shift, the other three are resting. You'll meet up with another wing of two Scimitars and a Hornet from the TCS Broadsword. Callsigns Ace, King, and Rook..." Meg raised her hand.


"You mean my Ace, my cousin?"


"Yes Swordblade, Magis Covan. Didn't know the relationship." She smiled.


"That's him, love the guy." He nodded.


"Anyways...The coordinates are logged in your computers, meet up with them at the first nav point and search the other points." They nodded.


"Alright then. Launch in five minutes."


Five minutes later, Rick was staring down the launch tube, strapped into his beloved Scimm.


"Delta Flight, prepare to launch in five, four, three, two..."


This is the part I hate, he thought to himself.


"One, go!" Suddenly the Scimitar was shot out the tube well over twice it's maximum speed into the void. Allison and Maegen followed suit. As soon as the other two caught up Rick started flying on the left side of Allison's Hornet.


"Artimis, you lead." She moved it in front of the two Scimms, all three heading to the first nav point.


They got there with no problem, the other wing waiting for them, their Exeter off in the distance.


"This is Delta Flight. Is this Ace Flight?" Rick looked down at the vid-comm.


"Yes sir, Ace Flight here." Maegen smiled at the sight of him.


"Magis, it's you! Mon cher Magis!" She jumped up in her seat with joy.


"Maegen! Dieu I s'est ennuyé de vous!  Vous ont-ils blessé récemment?" She relished his image on the vid-comm.


"Non, je t'aime Magis..."


"Je t'aime trop Maegen.  Vous êtes toujours aussi beau que s'est levé..." Rick smiled at the family reunion, he could see that Magis had a bit of hair that covered his right eye. Otherwise he couldn't tell much from the green videocast.


"So...Hell's Unicorns! This is the same Delta I flew with, right?" Rick looked over.


"Yea, it's Rick. And my squadron, King." Cris looked at him over the vid-comm.


"Damnit Delta, I was supposed to be King of the squadron." Rick laughed.


"But you aren't."


"Excuse me gentlemen, I'm trying to talk to my cousin here..." Magis cut them off.


"Maegen, m'invitent excédent quand ceci est fait." She smiled widely.


"Je volonté, je ne puis pas attendre pour être avec vous encore..." Rick checked his nav computer while they talked to each other in French, they were already at the second nav point. In the meantime Allison hadn't talked at all, Rick feeling guilty.


"Artimis, see anything up there?" He waited.


"Nothing, Delta." He sighed.


"Okay, keep moving..." Looked like it was going to be an uneventful trip...


"Delta, enemy ships ahead! Permission to engage?" Rick checked his radar, four contacts on screen.


"Go Artimis, Swordblade stay with me! Ace, hear this?"


"Yes Delta, I hear. We're attacking." The other three fighters followed as Meg and Rick took up the rear.


"I got a lock on a Dralthi! Two other ones up here, take them!" Alli was already on it, the other Hornet moving past and heading towards the unknown target about a hundred kilometers away.


"This is Rook, got a fix on a enemy transport! Attacking now!" Rick looked up, realizing the guy's mistake, watching him charge at it.


"Wait, Dorkir's have anti-aircraft guns! They'll rip your Hornet apart!" He could already see the rounds slapping the Hornet around like a toy.


"Nailed him! Going for another!" Alli's Hornet was already on another Dralthi, the one she was chasing turned into bits and pieces.


"Affirmative...Meg, join up with King and Ace, take out the Dorkir with your missiles! I'm backing up Artimis." Delta moved up as soon as the other Scimitars were occupied with the Dorkir, going after the other Dralthi.


"Moving in on the Dorkir now." Ace unloaded his dumbfires and one of his heat seekers at the Dorkir, weakening its shields. He flew out of the way as the Dorkir opened up, hitting him once in the rear, the shields absorbing the blow.


"Tally ho!" King came up from behind the Dorkir like Ace did, unloading his missiles and afterburning out, destroying the rear shields and blowing out it's engines...It was stuck in a bad spot now.


"Moving in, last run!" Maegen saw the Dorkir's damage on her targetor, she switched to her Mass Drivers. As the transport came into view, she pulled the trigger, kept on pressing until it went up in flames.


"Tué." She smiled as she pulled out.


"Artimis, where are you?" Rick looked around, unable to see her, the Dralthis moving in on the other Scimitars.


"I'm chasing a Dralthi, tag the other one!" She grinned as she triggered a heat-seeking missile, watching it fly after a wounded Dralthi, laser shot marks all over it.


Farewell...I won't miss you.


She nodded as the missile found it's mark, right between the Dralthi's engines. It flailed over to the left before disintegrating, Allison watching in delight.


"Took out two." She watched as Rick followed a Dralthi, speeding up to cover him. Soon it met the Mass Drivers to the rear, and it blew up in a fireball.


"We've cleared this spot out! What's the condition of Rook?"


"He took a few, still alive." Rick sighed, amazed someone could be so stupid.


"Wait...More contacts! Watch it Delta!" He looked down at King's warning, one coming at him. Another Dralthi, he primed up his guns at the sight of the Confed fighter. None hit him though. Rick took over the kitty's luck and fired back, the shots tearing it up before it had another chance to fire at him.


"Delta, the Dorkir! You focus on it, I'm already engaged!" He looked over to see Ace fighting a Dralthi.


"You already took it though!"


"There's another one! Shoot it before it can jump!" Rick looked down below him, cursing his luck as he saw another brand new Dorkir flying around. King and Meg started lining up to him for another run.


"I got the other Dralthi, take the transport Delta!" Allison shot down the fighter, Ace trailing the one he was fighting with.


Rick stared down at the Dorkir below, he aimed his missiles and charged it. The guns started firing at him, a couple finding their mark, none getting past the front shields though. As the gunners had to recharge he fired all five of his missiles into it, wearing it's shields out. Amazingly he managed to make it out without getting shot at again.


Maegen found the damaged Dorkir with it's side ruined, so she unloaded her remaining ordinance into it, watching as it exploded just like the other one.


"Deux tués." She watched behind as the other fighters started to turn around. She followed suit.


"Enemies cleared, head for home!" Ace came back with his kill, all of them still alive. For one, barely.


"Rook, you idiot! You're lucky you're still alive! You can't take a ship like that in a Hornet by yourself!"


"Sorry Ace." Rook started sweating, the Dorkir guns had nearly wasted the little Hornet, only the rear shields had any energy left.


"Okay, enough of that...Report back to the Regal, Delta Flight. Good work everyone."


"Same goes for Ace Flight. Je vous verrai bientôt Maegen." She looked at him over the vid-comm.


"Vous aussi, Magis." She watched the flare of his Scimitar's engines fade into the dark as his flight headed back for home, flying proudly in front of the others...Like he was a knight in shining armor...


Back home, Mollo was waiting.


"Delta, mission well done. I've already viewed the flight recorders, Delta got two, Artimis got three, and Swordblade knocked out the two Dorkir. Maegen, my personal congratulations for taking out those transports." Meg nodded; Allison winking at him, a wry smile on her face.


"Oh, yes...Come to my office in an hour, Allison, I need to speak with you." She smiled as she snapped off a salute.


"And Magis said he's coming over to see you Maegen. That's all." She smiled as he walked away.


A couple hours later Rick was by himself in the rec room. It wasn't even rec room, just a small empty room with a window, they put chairs and a cooler in it because the Commander didn't have a problem with it. So he saw Meg walking in, pulling up a table. She grabbed a shot of tequila and gulped it down, grabbing the bottle and putting it down on the table.


"Drinking Mae?"


"Welcoming present." She waited, and waited...About a half hour later her cousin walked in, her wait finally over. She jumped up, nearly flying into the air as she landed in Magis's arms.


"Magis! Il est été trop long!" The two embraced, kissing each other on the cheek in the standard French fashion. Rick considered it, before drinking down a beer, wishing that she was here with him. Magis looked somewhat like Maegen, shoulder length hair with a bit of it hanging over his right eye, brown in color, same his eyes, the same healthy tan like Maegen.


"Je sais, je souhaite que je n'aie eu l'ouragan jamais gauche..." She looked at him, rubbing his cheek.


"Il est correct cependant, nous sont ensemble encore..." They got teary eyed, the two embraced and sat down at their table, speaking so quickly in their native tongue that Rick couldn't understand them. In the meantime Allison ran into the rec room, excited over something. Seeing that Rick was there she ran over to him.


"Rick! I got promoted! I got promoted!" She sat down next to him, her only friend.


"I'm a first lieutenant now!" She started to get excited, Rick held her hand.


"Good work Allison...I mean, first lieutenant Regent." She smiled and held his hand, hugging him in return. They looked at each other, Rick noticing the new pins on her uniform.


"Thank you, bless your Scimitar, have a safe career..." She put her head on his shoulder; he smiled. He liked the warmth he felt around her.


"Bless your Hornet, stay safe Allison."


"Thanks." Rick looked down at her, smiling.


"Well, eh...Let's celebrate! More drinks for me and Alli!"



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