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Chapter 1

Vega Sector: Enyo System


The afterburners burned bright blue as the two Scimitars flew in. The only two objects in the void, it felt rather empty...


They were looking for something, though. The wingleader looked over to his navigation computer, the two Scimms heading towards a blinking spot on the map grid. A lost Hornet pilot, his callsign Honeybee...His last location anyways. They had to find him, or what was left of his remains...


"Swordblade, are you seeing anything over there? I'm not..." The wing commander looked to his wingmate, flying five hundred klicks to his left flank.


"No Delta. Nothing at this nav point." She glanced back, adjusting herself in her seat for the long trip ahead. Even if it was slow, it was comfy, she thought.


"Affirmative Swordblade. We're going to boost over to the second nav point and look over there...We'll be out of fuel by then so we'll go back home and have Pilgrim and Valentine sent out for the next shift." He looked at the vid-comm, watching Swordblade work on her computer.


"Right...Do you think he's still alive Rick? Hornets can't take much..." He frowned at his teammate.


"I don't think there's any kitties around if you mean that. If he's dead he must of ran into a asteroid or something."


"Heh. He's too smart for that." Rick grunted at her reply.


"Hornets are quick, Meg. If he flew into the belt here there's a good chance he might of." She sighed.


"Whatever you say." Meg checked her computer, several thousand more klicks before the next nav point.


The Scimms flew at a pretty fast rate, covering the difference in a couple minutes, finding something to greet them...


"I found something Delta!" She slowed down to a stop, part of a Kilrathi fighter wing was in front of her. Used to belong to a Salthi...Other debris floating around nearby it.


"Evidence of enemy presence. Told you." She smiled, waiting for a reply.


"...Keep looking, stay alert in case there's more." The two started off again, space dust flying behind them as they passed. While the particles flew by, Meg checked her equipment again, seeing a blue contact on her radar.


"Found a allied contact. Must be Honeybee." She looked at the radar again, the blue contact moving away...Three red contacts in front of it and closing in on them.


"Kitties coming for us Delta!" Rick tensed up...The leader and he still wasn't used to this.


"Wait until you can get a lock...Then break and attack!" She nodded, watching the blue streaks of light moving towards them...Soon a Dralthi was in range, her target. Right with it came a Salthi that Rick decided to take on.


In seconds the two were barely two thousand meters away, the Salthi getting ready to shoot...He had the faster trigger finger, the twin Mass Drivers firing off four sets of two shots at the Salthi's front, wearing it's front shields out. As the final set hit he shot off four more, ripping it's right wing off and causing it to explode. As the Salthi fell apart the last thing the pilot saw was the emblem on the left side of his Scimitar, a red unicorn head.


Swordblade had also been working on shooting down her Dralthi, several Mass Driver hits and a heat-seeking missile later the deed was done, the kitty unable to get away.


"Woo! Got one Delta!" She grinned...Then noticed another Dralthi on his tail.


"One on you Rick! Watch him!" She grimaced as a shot found it's way to his engine block, sparks flying off.


"I know, I can see him..." He stopped the Scimm, the kitty flying too fast to stop from flying in front of him, too late to get out of the way...In several seconds the Dralthi was cut down by Mass Driver fire, the fighter skipping and flailing around as the shots hit until it finally turned into a fireball.


"That was my second one, Meg." He smiled, as Meg came onto the comm. and snorted at him.


"You lucky bastard!" He laughed as he checked the radar for more contacts. None except for the blue one.


They came upon him several minutes later, he had been moving away from them. It was Honeybee alright, his Hornet in bad shape. There were shot marks all over, a small puff of smoke coming from the engines. On of the guns was gone, easily noticed since the guns were huge on the little fighter.


"Honeybee, are you there?" There was no reply, but he sped up towards them.


"Swordblade, he must of gotten his comm. busted, let's go home. Tell them we found him."


"Affirmative." She patched through to home base as they started for home, the two Scimitars leading as the Hornet lagged behind...Thousands of more klicks to go.


"So...How many was that for you, Delta?"


"Five total, got two this time."


"You just made an ace! I still have to get one more." She sighed.


"You lucky sob...Wait, they hit you, right?"


"Yea, nothing the shields couldn't handle." Meg frowned.


"...Don't die on me now, Rick." She sounded concerned.


"I won't..."


"You're the only wingman I want to fly with, don't die..." Rick nodded.


"I'm still here, still have a reason to be here." He assured her, she nodded but didn't know what the reason was.


The Exeter came into view soon after, the guide beams lighting up. The Scimitar pair slowed down, as the Hornet quickly made it's landing.


"Delta Element, good work on finding Honeybee."


Rick looked down at his left-side HUD while Meg made her landing, seeing that the real shields were worn down. He sighed, praying softly for the reason he had to live...


The Scimm touched down.


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