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Chapter 4


Three days later Rick was back in the seat of his Scimm. Allison was leading a patrol with Honeybee and Pilgrim, in her place Rick was stuck with Ballentine. A British chap, he was okay. No Artimis behind the guns, though; he was a bit careless behind the stick.


Rick went over the mission briefing in his head again as he set his computer to the target nav. A simple escort mission, Mollo said. Find the Drayman jumping in and take it back to the Regal. Two Exeters had already jumped in, several more were supposed to replace the Regal and the Broadsword so they could be sent to another system. Perhaps Brimstone; Gimle maybe. Anyways, Rick was concerned with the Drayman.


"Valentine, Swordblade, take up my rear. I'm leading." Meg looked up, watching the exhaust of his Scimitar get smaller as his Scimm sped up ahead.


"Affirmative Delta, stay safe Rick." She looked down at her scanner, displaying the status of her leader.


"Don't worry, I will. Just keep your attention on the Drayman when it jumps in." She considered the transport; it was a living hell for the crews. Everything in space was out to get you...Hell, even the Kilrathi Dorkirs had their guns - Draymans had nothing, she knew it firsthand.


"No problem, it's safe with me. Since I'm looking to come back alive." She grinned, Rick rolling his eyes at her.


"Yea...Tell your cousin it was a honor flying with him, sorry I didn't get the chance to earlier." She nodded over the vid-comm., and checked over her scanners, nothing in the area.


"I will...He said you are non un si grand pilote que je lui disais." He looked at her green image, smiling.


"I'll take that as a compliment..." She started laughing.


"Non, non! That means that you aren't such a great pilot as I was telling him about." She giggled as Rick's face suddenly went to a frown.


"Well then..." She smiled, the three Scimitars in the area for the target.


"...Delta, can you see the Drayman yet?" Meg looked down at the radar, then her navigation computer; seeing that the transport was several minutes late.


"Nothing Swordblade, keep scanning. Valentine, still with us?"


"Yes Delta, still here."


"Alright, stay with Meg, I'm going to circle around. Stay alert for enemy fighters, this could get ugly..." He got a grunt in reply as he started slowly orbiting the jump point, waiting for the Drayman.


"Think it could of got held up?" Rick sighed at Ballentine.


"No Valentine, they come from Confed airspace, no way a Kilrathi fighter could get to them unless they got overrun." Valentine paused to think about it.


Suddenly a blue light appeared, four points protruding outward as it opened up. The Drayman came shooting outwards as it jumped out, the lightshow ending as soon as it had begun.


"Delta Flight, we're glad to have you with us." Rick smiled at them; they always liked a helping hand.


"Yes sir, let's get you back to the Exeters now." The Drayman sped up, the Scimms flying as close as they could. Space was empty except for them, nothing to excite them."


"Swordblade, can you see anything?" Valentine was anxious for a kill.


"No Valentine, nothing worth your while."


"Damn it...Why are you so lucky?" Meg looked at the vid-comm.


"Not lucky, just unlucky to find them, don't rush in to get killed now...Non chanceux du tout..." Maegen had more them her share of piloting transports, now she was a little bit safer in her Scimitar...Barely.


"Whatever works for you." He said it in a sarcastic tone, Maegen rolling her eyes. He wasn't too smart; she wouldn't worry about it if he bought it. Rick, on the other hand...


Soon the Regal was in view in front of them, Artimis and Honeybee on guard duty. The Broadsword was off in the distance, waiting for supplies.


"Welcome back Delta."


"Thanks Artimis." He waved to her over the vid-comm., watching as the Drayman moved into position into the gathering fleet, two more transports nearby, all waiting to be unloaded.


"Hurray! This means more cigarettes!" Meg laughed at Rick as he celebrated the small victory; the smoking rations were a little low as of late. The only thing worse them being stuck in space with lots of gigantic cats flying around was being stuck in space with lots of gigantic cats flying around and not having something to smoke afterwards.


"This is the Drayman crew, we are now in fleet position, thanks for your escort." Rick smiled.


"You're welcome, thanks for the supplies." The Drayman joined the others, two Raptors from a new Exeter guarding them. Meanwhile Valentine and Swordblade had made their landings, going on without him.


"Delta to Regal, requesting landing."


"Permission granted, you are clear to land." He looked straight ahead, the hanger bay doors opening, a guide beam lighting up for him to follow. Soon he was back in the launch tube, being moved off to the hanger deck.


"Delta, you made it without a scratch?" Johnson looked up to Rick as he stepped out, amazed at his skills at the stick.


"Nothing to get scratched by. No need to fix her except for a refuel." Johnson nodded, he was great at mechanics, Rick's Scimitar was always ready for combat no matter what the situation.


"Well then...Got any smokes Rick?" Rick smiled again.



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