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Chapter 2


"Looks like it got little hot out there, sir!" The mechanic looked over the nearly dead Hornet, while Honeybee hopped out of it.


"At least you made it back alive." He cursed under his breath and turned to the mechanic, his nametag reading Johnson.


"Damn right! Four of them jumped me while I was on recon! They said this system was clean..." Johnson stepped back, taken by surprise.


"It's okay, he won't bite." Meg walked over while her fighter was being taken care of. Soon their ships were moved out of the way for Rick's Scimm. Soon he was making his landing on the flight line.


"Rick, you're back!" Johnson popped the canopy open, as Rick took off his helmet. He looked down at the three below him.


"Yea, I'm back. Nothing to hard to handle." He smiled, considering his luck.


"Those Kilrathi light fighters fall apart too easy! Amazing they're still around..." He got down, Johnson looking down the flightline to the left.


"He'll be wanting you soon." Rick nodded, as several more mechanics started moving his Scimitar out of the way.


"Thanks Johnson, take care of it. Took a hit or two." He took a last look at it; he depended on it with his life nearly every day. It didn't disappoint.


"Eyven, Covan, how are you two? Thanks for getting me out of there." The two looked over at Honeybee.


"Rokain...Pretty good. So they're in the Enyo system." Honey took a look at Meg.


"Yeah, pretty tough little shits too, they wasted my Hornet...Lucky they left me for dead!" He sighed.


"I almost ran away after I took one though, don't know how you two could stand the Mud Pigs! They're too slow!" He looked at Rick.


"But I heard you made a ace from Meg. Good job."


"Yea, thanks..." The three walked over, looking for the commander.


Rick was twenty-four, a first lieutenant since no one else was fit to. He had dark brown hair and eyes, six feet tall. He was pretty fresh from academy; he had been working the smaller, less hostile systems.


Maegen was more distinguished in character then her friend. As she took off her helmet, she reveled her brown hair that went past her shoulders. Her eyes the same as Rick's, she was a foot shorter. He was somewhat pale compared to her; her skin had a healthy tan. To anyone else she was drop-dead gorgeous; to Rick she was just his best friend. They had known each other for years, they joined up together. At first they wanted to fly Raptors, but found themselves in the Mud Pigs. She was two years younger, had a name to keep known. The Covans had a record of fighter pilots, her proud French heritage shone thru her uniform.


Rokain was simple in comparison. A Hornet pilot, blonde hair and brown eyes. A feisty one, especially for picking fights with four other fighters. Amazing he was still alive.


The three found their commander, the man that was waiting for them.


"Delta, Swordblade, good work out there today. Excellent search and rescue mission, even with the hostiles." The two nodded, while Mollo looked over at Rokain.


"But it was almost a search and recovery. Honeybee, you should have contacted us first! We could of avoided this..."


"Sorry sir. I will next time." He looked down under Mollo's icy glare.


"Well, anyways...Honeybee and Swordblade got one kill each, Delta, you got two. Congrats on your first ace." Rick nodded and smiled.


"Thanks sir."


"You're welcome. Dismissed."


One hour later Rick was in the lounge, or the small room that passed off for one at least. He grabbed his lighter, trying to light up a cigar, finding it out of gas. He put it away, seeing the chalkboard:


Pilot:               Sorties:           Kills:

Hell's Unicorns (Scimitars)

Delta               11                    5

Swordblade   11                    4

Pilgrim            7                      3

Valentine        7                      2


Honshu Hornets (Hornets)

Artimis            13                    5

Honeybee      8                      3



He looked at his position, the top Scimitar pilot in the group...Except they were all rookies...


He grabbed an iced beer, seeing Artimis by herself, staring out the window. He hadn't even noticed her when he walked in...She was a loner by nature, didn't really get along with people, didn't know how to, at least...It seemed she hated him, even though he didn't know her she always gave him an odd or a uneasy look when he went by her, made him feel uneasy...Except this time, she was frowning at him, like she wanted someone to talk to. Nervously he pulled up a seat next to her...Startling her.


"...Hi Allison." She trembled with fear, trying to talk. She was horribly shy.


"Oh, hi..." He nodded, as she tried to force a smile.


"Feeling okay? Or is there something wrong?" He couldn't tell, she let out a sigh.


"I'm sorry, I'm shy..." She looked down, Rick moved closer to her.


"You don't have to be Alli..." She looked over at him, confused.


"Why wouldn't I have to? People don't like me..." He frowned, shaking his head.


"I don't, you're nice from what I can tell..." She looked at him, shocked.


"..." She couldn't speak; she was just amazed.


"Do you need something?" She looked at him, considering his offer...Nodding and then hugging him. He looked at her as she buried her head in his shoulder, returning it, the two holding onto each other for a long time.


"Thanks...It's just hard for me..."


"No problem, I'm here." She looked and smiled at him, this time a real smile...She finally found a friend.


Allison was 23, a bit taller then Meg. She had dark hair with blonde highlights, light brown eyes. She was rather quiet, almost afraid of people. It was said that she had lost some family members during a Kilrathi raid, nobody knew for sure since she didn't talk. It took some effort to get her to...But she was great behind the control stick.


"So...Think we'll run into anything out there?" She stared out the window, the stars lazily passing by. Rick nodded and drank some of his beer.


"Me and Swordblade already did. That's why Honeybee got held up." She looked at him and smiled.


"Great...Time to get some more kitty paws to paint on my Hornet." She considered it, getting excited, Rick confused at the sudden change of character.


"I bet this means more recon missions before the rest of the ships get here...Did you hear about that new Bengal-class ship, the Tiger's Claw? It's supposed to be here with the four other Exeters supposed to jump in!" She had stars in her eyes, Rick noticing her enthusiasm.


"I heard something about it. Seems like it'd be fun to be on, instead of this little Exeter. Suppose they have Raptors on there? They're lots of fun to fly." Rick thought about the Raptors he joined to fly, they were loaded when it came to weapons and were pretty fast...Still he preferred the Scimm.


"Nothing but the best, Rick! Even the pilots are good...The best has around forty kills or so." They looked at each other and nodded.


"...I can't wait to fly again..." Rick closed his eyes, sitting back.


"Me either Allison...I guess..." He drank down the rest of his beer as she watched on.


"Yeah, I love to fly...But I guess I'm going to bed now, I'm tired...See you around Rick." She looked at him.


"Goodnight Allison." As she started to get up, she turned to him, a little tear in her eye.


"And Rick...Thanks for talking to me." He looked at her, smiling.


"You're welcome Alli...Anytime you want to talk, come ask me." She stopped, staring at him, then coming back for an embrace.


"Oh, thank you..." He nodded at her as they hugged, watching her as she left.


Rick stared out at the stars after she was gone. He was alone now, in a way he was like Allison. Several minutes passed by, just staring out the window.


I'll come back to you, someday...I love you...


He stood up, looking out at the stars one last time before he left. The rec room was empty.



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