
Harvester Hints Page


Small Hints: Read only this section if you just want a hint.

Day 1 - Hints

Talk to the Sergeant at Arms first, he will guide you in your quests.

Examine the burned out ruins in Harvest. Dig for the answers.

Deputy Loomis is a pervert and doesn't like to sit all day.

Day 2 - Hints

Visit the Sergeant at Arms, he has "assignments" for you.

Stephanie’s house holds the "key" to getting into Johnson's garage.

Night 2 - Hints

You cannot get in the garage during the day, enter through alternate means.

When you get into the garage, make sure to take all the objects you will need them later.

Day 3 - Hints

You have to get the fireman to leave the fire urgent fire perhaps?

A man’s best friend is his dog. A dog’s best friend is his meat.

Don’t forget your Dad owns a meat packing plant.

Dad is in the bedroom...not feeling so well. It is like he is imprisoned...the house is a jail.

Night 3 - Hints

Dogs love meat!

Those fancy fireman hide everything!

Day 4 - Hints

Edna’s daughter Karin is missing.

Find her..or what’s left of her and you will be rewarded.

Night 4 - Hints

Please use caution (as well as tape) when breaking glass.

Tools come in handy when removing items.

Day 5 - Hints

Where do you take dead people in Harvest? The dead people place!

Blackmail is a wonderful way to get sticky stuff.

Nite 5 - Hints

Edna’s Diner is the place for a "hot time".

Please use caution (as well as tape) when breaking glass.

Make sure to "disable" the fire alarm before cooking.

Natural gas is cost efficient as well as burns clean.

Day 6- Hints

Mr. Pottsdam is hysterical today!

Without proper and formal invitations what is society to do?

Dead people smell really bad.

Ever carry a good old fashioned "spinal cord"?

Lodge Level 1 - Hints

Make sure to kill everything in sight!

It's funny how eyeballs make a squishy sound when popped...isn't it?

Make sure you get your clothes cleaned...acid can be very nasty. But it will cost you.

Nobody has ever died from drinking a harmless beer have they?

Nobody trusts you in the lodge. They keep everything locked, including the cash register.

Killing the attendant at the wrong time is a deadly, flesh-eating mistake!

The cloak room attendant is guarding more than just the coats. There's weapons and ammo in them there secret walls!

Butchers love meat..and so do slimy water monsters!

Be sure to eat to keep your health, especially the sweet stuff. (It's low in calories!)

It's impossible to keep those weeds under control. I say kill 'em!

The key to the next level is in your reflection!

Note: There IS more than one way to the second level! Try "climbing" your way to the top...but don't get burned!

Lodge Level 2 - Hints

Kill the Queen to unlock the secrets!

Killer clowns have all the cool toys and keys! (Can anyone say Bundy?..sure I knew you could.)

The key to the next level lies in the chessmasters thoughts. If you can play you can take the easy way. If not, all is not lost...get violent!

Get the tall poles on the theatre stage. They make great stilts!

Gather the pieces of wood. Sure they're sturdy!

To solve the mask puzzle pay more attention to the sad mask. His lucky number is 7.

Everyone needs a good pair of rubber boots. And keep those boots clean!

You must calm the steam in order to unlock passages.

Nobody likes a rude zombie. Especially when they are high voltage. Kill the suckers!

Wood does burn, but it takes at least 5 seconds or so...

To escape the Jaws o' Death simply support your local flag!

To get to level 3, climb new heights!

Lodge Level 3 - Hints

Note: Level 3 primarily consists of killing everything in sight! It should not take a rocket scientist to figure this level out! Just kill and kill again...NEXT!!

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Copyright Note: These hints came from the DigiFX website, I did not write them.