


Gamer Created Puzzles

Did you know that you can modify the Egg puzzle in Phil's Market? You can also modify the Spider puzzle in the Barbershop sink.

Here is my version of the Egg Puzzle in Phil's Market. Download Intructions:

Click this link to download the zip file: Carrigon's Egg Puzzle

Unzip the file, copy the file Egg2.txt to your Shivers2 folder. Play a game, turn the Captioning button on, play the egg puzzle in Phil's market. You should see the name of the file on your screen when you start the puzzle, just keep restarting the puzzle till it loads the right file. If not, make sure you put the file in the Shivers2 folder, NOT just in the Sierra folder. The solution to the puzzle is contained in the zip file.

If you create your own puzzle, you can email me the link and I'll place it here. My server space is limited, so I can't accept files right now.


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