
Harvester Extra's

Looking for more info on Harvester? Would you like to know how to see all of the video files in the game, including a few that are not normally seen during a game? Here is a small instruction file written by Snask. Please do NOT email me for tech support about this. If you do this, you do it at your own risk.

How to view Harvester movies out of sequence:


This is quite straightforward to me, but if you're not the familiar with file directories and management, you shouldn't try this as you may not be able to restart the game properly if you can't back out of these instructions. **If in doubt - don't!** If any of the information here is wrong, I'm sorry, but you're using it at your own risk!

You have to copy a stack of files from the CDROM disk 1 to a hard drive partition so you can delete and rename the .fst files (which are the Full Motion Video files).

In the config.ini (make a backup copy first!) file in your \harvest install directory, change the following line:

CD_ROM=D:\ (or whatever drive letter you have)

Change it to the hard drive partition you have chosen to copy your CDROM disk 1 files to. eg CD_ROM=F:\

Copy files from the CDROM disk 1 (it is important to keep the subdirectory tree as is) to your hard drive partition, BUT you don't have to copy all of the files. Don't copy over anything in \vesa \16bit \32bit directories and don't copy over any of the .fst files from \graphic\fst\, also don't copy over the makingof.avi, harvest.dat and sound.dat files. You should only have about 87mb copied over in total.

Now, before you start the game again, select a .fst file from any of the CDs and copy it into your hard drive directory of \graphic\fst and rename it to virglogo.fst as this is the first FMV shown when you start the game. After it plays, the game continues on to the start screen. You can then exit the game and delete the virglogo.fst file, copy another from the CDs and repeat the renaming and viewing step again.

Once finished with all this, don't forget to change your config.ini CDROM information back to the way it was! ****************

Now, how would you like to be able to take screenshots of Harvester? You can make your very own wallpaper or stationery from the game. Here is a zip file of a program called Screen Thief and some instructions with it. This program was generously donated by Anthony Larme . Do NOT email me for tech support about this program. If you use it, you do so at your own risk.

Screen Thief

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