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Ultimate Cheat Source

Noble Gundam
You get the Noble Gundam! Stylish, flashy, and
somewhat kinky, the Noble Gundam is truely
beautiful. It's fast and pretty manuverable,
though not very power. Before battle you usually practice, sometimes with
a fellow Gundam Fighter who your befriended. Nice job! Good luck on the fights!

What kind of G-Gundam should you have?
brought to you by Quizilla

UPDATE 6/19/03

Routine checks on the site...looking for dead links on the downloads and observing bandwidth. Nothing exciting.

UPDATE 6/13/03

Friday the spooky. ha! My last day of 10th grade. yes, since i'm done school, there will actually be some REAL updates. But don't count on updates forever...because school will be back in session in 3 months and i'll have no time to update with marching band and Taekwondo and AP history! Well, uhh......this is the update for now. And yes, i am alive...the site isn't dead.p> UPDATE 5/4/03

Hey there, everyone! Long time, no Well, i've been busy lately, reading novels and playing on my high school tennis team. Anyway, my friend let me borrow her stock of "Love Hina" manga, which i highly reccommend to everyone who enjoys a great comedy! Even though i'm a boy, i took this little "Love Hina" quiz to add some stuff about the manga until i find some cool pictures from the show. Thanks Bri! Also, i'd like to say to all my friends, and my closest friends of all, Jon and Minako.

Which Love Hina Girl Are You?
You're responsible, sweet, gentle and lovable! You have a loving heart, a great respect for all creatures (human, great and small), and the ability to see the thing that makes each individual special. However, you tend to overlook the things that make you special, and thus, putting you in a position to be pushed around by others. Take some time everyday to reflect on your qualities, and see that you don't have to please everyone and still be loved for who you are.
Which Love Hina Girl Are You?

Which Love Hina Girl Are You?
The girl next door, through and through! You have a kind heart and a good sense of right and wrong. Your down-to-earth nature doesn't allow yourself to become swayed by petty distractions. Your pretty face and a sweet soul draws admiration and respect from everyone around you! Do be cautious that you don't become blinded by your morals and ideals. Sometimes, to get along with others, you must be willing to compromise and offer a little understanding.
Which Love Hina Girl Are You?

UPDATE 2/3/03

Hi there...first new update of the year...i uploaded more pictures and i'm going to be focusing on Game Boy Advance games now. I would like to take this time to say hi to Mina, one of my best friends.

UPDATE 12/16/02

Nothing much...just a picture change and regular updates

UPDATE 11/28/02

Happy Thanksgiving! No updates today...unless you count the new picture at the top of this page...guess what show it is from? I'll say the answer on Saturday.

UPDATE 11/3/02

Long time, no see....yes it has been a while, hasn't it. Well school keeps everyone busy, and i honestly don't have the time most of the time (lol)P> UPDATE 8/3/02

This is Code Master once again. After a long break, I'm finally back. I haven't thought of what to do next, so I'll look at the polls. Now that my PC is working properly, I'm going to start updating. I regret the AFO is gone forever because of Sega, and that the clan will not continue on AFO. however, it has been moved to include Bomberman Online (once I get a keyboard for DC. I will now take the time to address the two most recent entries in the guestbook. The AT-AT pilot and the TIE fighter skins can be found at .I got them when the site still had a search engine for free. But if you really want them, you'll need to sift through the thousands of pages there. The reason why the skins won't appear is because you need to download those skins first. New update is Monday, 8/5/02. See ya! UPDATE: 4/15/02

This is Code Master (Inferno) yet again. Some updates...IN clan info put up and Shining Force Shrine started. More to come.

UPDATE: 4/6/02

It is Code Master once again. I'm back online, and renovations to the site will start soon. So...some parts of the site may be down tomorrow and through next week. But don't fear, everything will be working soon. As "Bobcat" from Alien Front Online told me, "Save the whales."

UPDATE: 4/2/02

This is Code Master yet again. Mustang Jedi is still caught up (more like obsessed) with his "Dark Clan" page right now, so I'm still working on the site alone. Right now, I am the LARGE updates won't be until later this week. Why? Well, it's because I am playing Alien Front Online alot right now on my Dreamcast. I would like to take this time to say hi to my alien teammate "Crow." and my human(army) teammates "Bobcat" and "Radion." To the visitors, look for my updates at the site........or at the Alien Front Online page!!!HA HA HA HA HA!!!!! Posted: 3/24/02

This is Code Master once again. Right now, we are a little busy. Mustang Jedi is also running his "Dark Clan" page for the PC game "Kohan". I, on the other hand, have three huge term papers for school to work on, so it is going to be tough to update alot until April. Don't worry, i'll make updates.....they just won't be alot of objects or skins. (HINT,HINT) Just keep looking for updates, and wait for the really big downloads. Also, people like Icehawk said that there was a small problem with "MISSING OBJECTS" in the RPD house. Well, if you don't get the downloads from their respective sites (The sites that i got downloads from are listed under SIM LINKS), so you'll have to download them THERE. I DON'T OWN THE RIGHTS TO THEIR OBJECTS, SO I WILL NOT POST THEM HERE.


This is Code Master speaking. I have created a Resident Evil section, that will soon feature FAQs, so check it out. Tips and codes are being put up now. I also started my next Sims project. I have created the RPD from Resident Evil 2, and the mansion from Resident Evil: CODE Veronica. There will be two version of the RPD, though. The first is the true scale version of the RPD. The second one, will feature everything that is needed for living. What I mean is, the original RPD didn't feature any bathrooms, kitchens, or beds (unless you count that cubby hole near the stairs to Basement Floor 1). The version of the RPD with the modified living areas is hot off the CD and ready for download. We have had a alot of people download it, and it works fine. We have also fixed the problems with the DEATH STAR from Star Wars for the Sims so check that out as well!

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History of the Site
Gundam:Side Story 0079 Strategy Guide and Cheats
Resident Evil section
RPD house from Resident Evil 2
Shining Force Shrine
Alien Front Online Clan: Infinite Nitro