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Massage Therapy
by Ivan and Elizabeth

We are located in
Woodstock, Georgia

We also provide service to the surrounding cities of Canton, Kennesaw, Marietta, and Roswell, GA.

The Benefits of
Massage Therapy

What To Expect
During Your
Massage Session

Types of
Massage Therapy

Hours, Pricing
and Contacts

What is Massage Therapy?

Massage Therapy is the holistic application of physical touch to affect the systems of the body; i.e. the muscular, skeletal, digestive, eliminatory, respiratory, circulatory, lymphatic, endocrine and nervous systems. It is the manipulation of the soft tissue of the body with the hands for therapeutic, healing and relaxing effects. Massage Therapy helps relaxation, and releases stress and tension in the body. Too much stress in our lives can cause constant muscular tension. This tension reduces the flow of blood and oxygen to the muscles and organs. Tension creates a tendency for a build up of toxins in the body. It can also lead to feelings of fatigue, heaviness, aches and pains, tightness of muscles and stiffness. Muscular stress can increase the likelihood of strains and injuries. Massage can help to release tension and allow the body to heal.

We are Ivan and Elizabeth Plastiak, and we are certified Massage Therapists.

We offer a variety of Therapeutic Massages:

- Classical Massage
- Sports Massage
- Relaxation Massage

On top of our massage qualifications, Ivan has a Doctoral degree in Physical Education and Sport Science from Comenius University in Slovakia.
Elizabeth has a Masters degree from Boston University.

Part of our training covered areas like:

Human Anatomy
First Aid
Sports Medicine
Physiology of Physical Training
Physical Training & sports for the handicapped

We have a great understanding of how the body works and what it needs for recovery and repair. We have a combined 13 years experience and were both certified from the Physical Education Department of Comenius University, Slovakia.

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