Kitty Tease


Only the Jr. size left here now and string packs.
(Website information current as of August 2020)


    A cat loving gentlemen is now having the longer version of the Kitty Tease made and the sample sent to me was of Kitty Tease quality. (   His is more costly because my cost was over 10 years old and remember, you will be getting a quality product and tomorrow you will forget all about the little extra you paid after experiencing your cat's obvious approval.    

I will have the replacement string packs for several years

see below for string pack information as well


(Cat toy/Exerciser "Trims The Fat From Your Overweight Cat")

I'm so sure your cat will like the Kitty Tease that I offer you a  30 DAY Full Money Back Guarantee
and that includes the S&H , I believe in it that much.


Its the only cat toy with a full year warranty on any of it's major parts.
(Rod, Tip, & Handle)

My cat toy is American Made, a fact that I am very proud of.


Just need Replacement String Packs ?
(Current as of August 2020)

     The original replacement string packs (Line & Cloth) for the Kitty Tease are still just $1.00 each but you need to send a self-addressed stamped envelope with the order, if you don't I will subtract  $2 from the order to do one up for you and put the postage on.  The new postal regulations makes it difficult to determine the correct postage, as a result you may have to pay additional postage at your end.  For now, if you order between 5 and 10 string packs, which is all I can get into a regular Business envelope, the postage seems to be 97 cents (large 2 oz. letter rate and a bendable 1/4" thick). If you need four or less string packs you may get by with just a regular stamp in postage on a smaller envelope.  So if you have to pay a little more postage on your end you know it isn't my fault as I did my best.

Please make your check out to me "John Galkiewicz" and mail it to;

"String Packs"
Harrogate, TN 37752


"Kitty Tease" 

Voted, "Best Cat Toy in the Last 30 Years" by the readers of
CAT FANCY magazine for their 30th Anniversary

       In 1983, John Galkiewicz's neighbors suggested that he manufacture and sell that cat toy he had invented and was always using on his cats.  John applied for a patent on the toy and started taking the buggy whip like cat toy to East coast cat shows.  His "Kitty Tease" soon became a hit on the show circuit.  The cat shows soon led to sales to pet shops which then led to the beginning of a small mail order operation as well.
        When asked why his Kitty Tease worked so well on virtually all cats his response was, "Because it was originally designed for a cat and not someone's purse or wallet.  You control all the action, cats can't kill it and it just keeps getting away."  John then remember his father's words when John told him he was going to go into business selling his cat toy, "Don't make a cheap product; make a product you will always be proud of and give it a warranty that reflects that pride."  John did just that and the "Full Year" warranty on each and every Kitty Tease rod, handle, and tip is still unmatched in the industry today.  Each Kitty Tease also comes with its own informative and quite extensive "Owners' Guide", something you just don't expect with a cat toy but then again this isn't your regular cat toy.
       When CAT FANCY magazine had their 30th Anniversary they held a contest where their readers could vote for the best cat products, by category.  Though no single product was the sole winner in any one category, when the balloting was over only 2 cat toys made it to "First Place" and there was the Kitty Tease, voted "Best Cat Toy In The Last 30 Years."

My "Blue Point" Apple head Siamese
The very first Kitty Tease kitty

For Kitty Tease "Cats-In-Action" Pictures
Click Here

Order 2 or more Kitty Tease Jr., correctly answer the question,
and get "FREE" String Packs.

     In the "Vietnam Moments" section of my web site, in the story entitled "The First Months", Condrey hated to see me eat a certain kind of food.   If you can tell me what that food was I will give you a free string pack for every Kitty Tease Jr. you order on orders of 2 or more Kitty Tease Jr..

Three Sizes of Kitty Tease to Choose From.

Note,  Because I will not deal in "kick-backs" and could never afford to join the "Good Old Boys" organization I have remained but a one person operation, the price for being honest.  When my biggest buyer went under several years ago they ended up putting me under as well and I had to declare bankruptcy.  Because I went under due to the fact that I could not get at my money and not because I didn't have the money, I started all over again but this time with only half my money.   I didn't know you could do that but you can and I did.   In any case it was a struggle with no funds what-so-ever left for advertising.  Now, some 5 years later, it has finally caught up with me and on November 15th my last regular Kitty Tease was sold.  There are just not enough orders coming into pay the bills let alone reorder things like the handles, which leaves about 500+ Kitty Tease rods leaning in the corner in need of only handles. 
    Though the Kitty Tease has pretty much kept me poor all these years I have indeed enjoyed the semi retirement lifestyle it has forced upon me and all those really nice letters and pictures people keep sending me of their cats.  I got a lot of fishing in, was always there for my son Adam, and got to write my "Vietnam Moments" stories as well as that simple explanation of the "Book of Revelation".  I've made a lot of cats happy but it saddens me that there will always be so many more cats out there that REALLY NEED a Kitty Tease in their life.  And for that person out there who plans on leaving $30 million to their cat...I hope you take the time to send a little of that this
way and hopefully the sooner the better, it just might make a whole lot more cats happy as well.
    In the mean time, as I got down to the very last of the Deluxe model (June 4th), and "seconds" to boot, I asked myself how I could get around this, cats out there really need this thing?  From the git-go the Kitty Tease has always been for cats and not for people, it just
worked out that way.  I still have the special made rods, they certainly still have their magic and that is what makes the Kitty Tease so effective so why can't I just offer the Kitty Tease with a different handle?  The handle is really there only for convenience dawned on me, why not put on one of the vinyl handles I still have for my pointers and give the vinyl a try?  I did and the Kitty Tease worked out just fine, just not that comfortable compared to the wood handle.  So....for the sake of cats, I will now offer the regular size Kitty Tease again but this time with a less comfortable, slightly shorter, and less eye appealing vinyl handle.  I have decided to leave the vinyl handles unglued, they still stay in place though.   I do this because if I ever do get more of the high quality wood handles I'll offer them for free (with just a small fee for S&H) to the vinyl handles owners so they can upgrade to the wood handle as it was meant to be.  There is a definite difference and I feel the Kitty Tease reputation deserves such.  If and when I get more wood handles I'll make that known on this web page.  In the mean time you and I will just have to wait until that person with the $30 million dollar cat, comes through.  That's our only hope it seems. 

John Galkiewicz


 Kitty Tease Jr.   The Kitty Tease Jr. is just 18" long and was designed for kitten use and for lap play with older cats.  The Jr. is also popular with cat show people for playing with their cats while in their cages.  Unfortunately, I no longer have header cards for these so that's how you will get them.  These also come with no Header cards now, not the best appearance but it is all I have. 

$9 each, plus $8 S&H

(Only one $8 S&H charge needed even for extra Kitty Tease Jr. and some string packs.  Send to address below)

(click here for order form)

(Make the check out to "John Galkiewicz" and send to;)
John Galkiewicz
Kitty Tease Jr.
Harrogate, TN 37752

Shipping & Handling:   I only charge one $8.00 S&H charge for multiple orders going to one address.  If I can get them all in the same tube or box, I'm not going to charge you extra for it because I'm more than happy to be getting the additional orders.  That's the way I would want to be treated so that's the way you'll be treated.  Besides that, it gets a lot more Kitty Tease to a lot more cats that way.  I usually ship all orders the day I get them via 3 Day Priority Mail for orders of 1-3 Kitty Tease.  Orders of 4 or more Kitty Tease I usually ship via UPS ground for the same price.  Orders going to businesses are usually shipped UPS so someone will have to sign for the package.  If you don't receive your order in a few days it is probably sitting in the mailroom because someone is not doing their job, this happens quite a bit.  If you have special shipping requirements just ask, I'm flexible.

Gift Orders: A lot of my customers are so amazed by their cat's reaction to the Kitty Tease that they wish to share the experience with other relatives or cat owning friends.  If you wish to include a note with any gift order going to a different address I will gladly include it with the shipment.  If you don't know exactly what to say, a lot of people simply make it "From Jumper to Smoky,  Enjoy!"  I think making it from one cat to another is a nice personal touch.


Something Special

    Probably the most exciting part of running a mail order business is getting to read all the nice letters that people take the time to write to me.  Most bring a big smile to me but some bring a little sadness when they share the loss of a life's companion.  For a lot of people out there, their pet carries official "People Status".  I would like to share one of these special letters with you.  It comes from Mary Louise Brennan in Mahanoy City, PA  who had just lost "Melody", a very very special cat that brought much meaning and joy into her life.  I now share this with you in memory of Mrs. Brennan's "Melody".

The Rainbow Bridge

(Dedicated to all those who have lost their best friend, their pet)

    There is a bridge connecting Heaven and Earth.  It is call "The Rainbow Bridge" because of its many colors.  Just this side of the Rainbow Bridge there is a land of meadows, hills, and valleys with lush green grass.
    When a beloved pet dies, the pet goes to this place.  There is always food and water and warm spring weather.  The old and frail animals are made young again.  Those who are maimed are made whole again.  They play all day with each other.
    There is only one thing missing, they are not with their special person who loved them on Earth.  So, each day they run and play until the day comes when one suddenly stops playing and looks up.  The nose begins to twitch, the ears are up, and the eyes are suddenly starring, and suddenly this one runs from the group.
    You have been seen, and when you and your special friend meet, you take him or her in your arms and embrace.  Your face is kissed and licked again and again and again, and you look once more into the eyes of your trusting pet.
    You then cross the Rainbow Bridge together, never ever again to be separated.

(Author Unknown)

(August 9, 2004,  Karen Spicer, of Tillamook, OR has kindly informed me that
the author of "Rainbow Bridge" is Paul Dahm who now resides on the Oregon Coast)

       I have truly been "blessed" by having been given the necessary "tools" in order to bring the Kitty Tease and my other inventions to market. Since 1983 I have been self-employed and boy have I ever enjoyed it.  How nice it is to look forward to Monday while so many others do not.  How nice it is also to be here with my son and be able to juggle my schedule to fit into his world of activities.  How nice it is to work out of one's home and be able to wake up each morning knowing there is no set schedule to adhere to. Like I say, I have truly been blessed!


John Galkiewicz

Other Cat Related Interesting Links    (A site set up by Veterinarians that list articles on just about every cat problem  there is.  If you have a cat problem or question they probably have the answer at their site)
        http://www.DrMartyBecker.comDr. Marty Becker, veterinarian, author, and TV/Radio personality.  Dr. Becker is one of the nations foremost cat writers.  If it were not for his help promoting the Kitty Tease, the Kitty Tease just might not be here now.  A fine source for news media for pets with several nice links Dale, highly noted pet columnist and radio personality hailing out of the chicago area.

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