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Computer Software Possibilities

When you purchase a Computer System, the supplier will normally included some Computer Software. It is very important to pay careful attention to this topic, because Computer Software can prove to be very expensive. Some of the more popular Suite packages can cost as much as some computers. At the same time, some other ones are very cheap and not very popular. It is necessary to do some homework in this area, before making a commitment to any supplier.

In addition to the Computer Software that comes with your Computer, there is a large choice of both Freeware and Shareware on the Internet, which can be downloaded and installed.  Most experienced home computer users have a large number of these programs installed on their computers. As you become more familiar with your computer, you will want to use a lot of these programs. You will find that it is not unusual to see at least 15 of these programs on any one computer.

Some examples of the type of programs available on the Net are:

Photo Viewing Programs

Photo Manipulation Programs

Internet Timer Programs

Copy Programs

Search Programs

News Programs              

Chat Programs

Utility Programs

Music Programs

Radio Programs

Mp3 Programs

Compression Programs

Three popular sites for the downloading Internet software are: 





There are several other types also and each of the types  have several choices, so there is a very large data base of Programs available on the net. Once you get the Programs that came with your Computer and some of those from the net, you will then need to consider how you get the Computer Training required to use them.

Just before we go to the Computer Training section, I would like to introduce two other items, which I believe are very important. In fact, I think they are important enough, that I have set aside one page of this site to discuss them. Please click on the link below to view these items

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