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"In Home" Backup & Rescue 


Backup is a must for protection against loss. Everyone has documents, photos, downloaded programs etc., that they do not want to lose. Some files are impossible to replace.


We can show you how to do this Backup yourselves if you have the req'd equipment. In the alternative, we can provides our clients with a CD containing any files from their Hard Drive that they want backed up. Anything can happens with  Computers and usually does, so be prepared.


A Rescue Disk is another time saving item which everyone should at least consider. This items is particularly advantages to new Users as it can save them the time and perhaps the cost of formatting and re-installing all their programs


We can obtain the software req'd for our clients and show them how to use it. Or we can  provide this Disk duplicating the customer's Hard Drive. It is best done, when the computer is running at it's peak performance. Most computers tend to slow down after some use. The normal solution is to format the Hard Drive and re-install all of the programs.  A Rescue Disk eliminates all of this work. You simply insert the disk, let the program run and everything is restored back to the point where the computer was running at its optimum performance.

The above items are not nermally part of our Training Program, but they can be provided at the customer's request. 

Please contact us if your group or any of your individual members are interested in further information re the above items.   

That brings us to the real purpose of our site.:

Training and Courses