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"It is in Wonder of Thee"

C.J. Ingerson

Verse 1

All my life went I in search
to find where you were
and now to find you too
were looking for me to find.

Verse 2

It is in this wonder of Thee
that why would you look
for one such as I have been
when all around were others.

Verse 3

So each Sunday now I seek
Thee out to praise and adore
for you've been so good to me
now that I've found your love.

Verse 4

Mostly to listen to the hymns
others sing to Thee in single praise
to honor you on this Sabbath day
while I speak the words the same.

Verse 5

This is why Sunday is so lovely
to understand this honor for you
allowing us to love you unashamed
to stand in this wonder of Thee.

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