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"A Christmas Wish"

C.J. Ingerson

Verse 1

It is Christmas Day
and who am I?
Does it matter really
as long as I know
better who I am not?

Verse 2

For each day I try
to grow to become
more like Him who
we honor this day.

Verse 3

Not possible some say
for he was so perfect
in every way, each day,
but I can try to be if only
even one day at a time.

Verse 4

What I know is that
I am not justice, no
so that means then
that I must try to see
me as mercy instead.

Verse 5

So this Christmas day
I'll strive even longer
and more diligently
to find Justice now
and offer him mercy.

Verse 6

So to you and yours
if it Justice you seek
and mercy can't be seen,
just call on me to fill in
somehow I'll do my best.

Verse 7

Thus my present to you
who I call my friends
this year and those ahead
is to be in someway there
as mercy when Justice
calls for his debt to be paid.

Verse 8

Oh I'll never be the Son
and that is not my goal
it is only to be the brother
and to do as I've been told.

Verse 9

So who am I right now
hopefully part of what
I'll be more of tomorrow
and then the day after.

Verse 10

But mostly just a me
a rusty old knight
who doesn't understand
other than we are all
sisters and brothers.

Verse 11

From just another time
and as then and now
we have to help each other
to crawl and to stand
to walk and then to talk.

Verse 12

To learn to kneel in prayer
to be thankful we've had
the opportunity for another
this day or someway to care
to meet the needs of others.

Verse 13

As some feel they are justice
and other feel they are stone
some feel that they are used
while some are always there
to be a sister or brother.

Verse 14

Who am I, but as to obey
to be to you what is it
you'd have me be today
never justice, but to some
maybe mercy in disguise.

Verse 15

To love you all as my family
is the only role I do know
and to wish you the best
holiday you might know
a very Merry Christmas.

Verse 16

But this old rusty knight
in this way can only his
love ever learn to show
now in service to others
maybe to you to know.

Verse 17

Thank you for this year
it has been more for me
than most will ever know,
but you all were part of it
and I really do love you so.

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