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The Torment of my Child's Soul

C.J. Ingerson

Verse 1

It was twisted . . .
the way the world
appeared when
awakening this day,
for all that was right
now was called wrong
and white was black
and dirt was clean
and sin was not
and righteousness
was not found.

Verse 2

It was twisted
the way that
people thought
and teachers taught
was not from
good books
or even literature
but of smut
of pornography
and wholesomeness
was laughed at
while shame
appeared to be,
to be admired
even twisted
in my child's eye . . .

Verse 3

The water . . .
which once was sweet
now was bitter
but it seemed
no one noticed
except my child
who kept asking
over and over
why mama, why?

Verse 4

Then stepped . . .
forward a stranger
beckoning all to him
he glittered
and shown bright
almost to the hurting
of ones eyes
and no one
could see him clearly
or even look
directly at him
but like lemmings
on the run
they swarmed
to be around him
to hear his words
saying come follow me

Verse 5

I'll show you happiness
I'll show you pleasure
I'll show you a good time
and give you candy
and all will be free
all will be free
his words lingered
in the air
and with my child . . .

Verse 6

Now dancing . . .
and playing
through the night
continued this group
gathered more and more
until one was unable
to see the beginning
or the end
of this multitude
who chose to run and play.

Verse 7

Now playing, now singing
now in growing
unawareness drawn
along to this man
with a brightness
to hurt the eye
and numb the senses
and still the hearing
as louder and louder
grew the noise.

Verse 8

And then suddenly
the music stopped
and soon were heard
some jeering and cries
from among the crowd
of what happened
where is our music?
where is our song?
where is our fun?
where is our freedom?

Verse 9

Then in a deep voice
like that of thunder
and inflicting pain
upon the inner ear
came the words
and hideous laughter
filled the air
from all around.

Verse 10

Now the crowds quieted
and some started
to try to edge away
but found their legs
and hands were bound
for Satan's promises
are not free
are not without price
and now there was
a call to payment.

Verse 11

And as I watched
each in turn
stand in line
murmuring lowly
we did not know
we were tricked
we were lied to
we were beguiled
but each in line
handed over payment full.

Verse 12

Now sadly I watched
them file away
towards that awful
doom in Satan's grasp
and I called to Father,
can nothing be done
are all of them doomed,
can all I do
is stand a watch
what is it I can do?

Verse 13

Then filled the air
a still small voice
saying,"what is it
you'd have me do?"
I've suffered much
the sins of this people
I've sent my only Son
they crucified Him
my Son, the Son of God.
What more would you have me do?"

Verse 14

So dropping . . .
to my knees
in humble prayer
my child asked,
Father even
one more chance?
And as tears
freely fell
my child's body shook
and sobbed uncontrolled
until laying racked
upon the ground
tormented that he
could do nothing
nothing more
could he do . . .

Verse 15

Softening he . . .
again heard
the still small voice,
saying yet, I'll send
another, one last time
with him the fullness
will be gather in,
but I warn you
my sobbing child
though many
will listen
many will not . . .

Verse 16

My child . . .
still on the ground
looked heavenward
his tears of pain
now mixed with joy
asked, Father,
can I help
in some small way
help this man
you're going to send
this one last time
can I help . . .?

Verse 17

In a softening . . .
almost impossible
to hear whisper
Father replied,
Yes my son
you can help
but many still
will not listen
for there will be many
who will claim
to be the one
whom I sent
in these last days.
Oh they will be well
prepared, and even humble
mixing scripture
with Satan's word.

Verse 18

To be sure
they'll say you'll
all be saved,
nothing the cost,
but the work
is expensive
help me along,
but you can dance
and you can play
but someday
you'll have to pay.

Verse 19

Their message
will be enticing
mixed with truths
wanting to do
only what is right
but it will not quite
be enough.

Verse 20

Then His voice rose
not quite in anger,
It will not be enough
for my word is unchanging
from beginning without end
and it will not be enough,
if they listen not
to the one I send. . .

Verse 21

The child . . .
my child not
fully comforted asked Father again,
But can they change,
what if they repent?

Verse 22

And Father, loving
this small child of mine
once again said,
If they but come
unto me, and those
I've sent, some will
listen and sift the words
to know which are man's
and which are mine,
but only those
who seek to find
of where I am,
and of where is my Son,
those I will also
let come, but fool
yourself not,

Verse 23

For though many are called
and few are chosen
because their hearts
are set much upon
the thing of this world,
and sadly not mine
and sadly not mine. .

Verse 24

Now almost . . .
unhearable my child
asked again, Father,
do you love me?
Yes, of you know I do.
How do I know
if I love you?
my child asked.
If you love me,
keep my commandments,
was the Father's reply . . .

Verse 25

Now my child . . .
lost in sleep
awakened to the day
not confused
not tormented
until he heard
the cries upon the street.
Here, come here,
no here, here is the place,
why go there, come here

Verse 26

And then he knew
what Father meant,
for Satan to was there
and he knew the plan
and he's had time
to set his ambushes
the time of centuries
to corrupt the minds
to change the words
to hide the truth
mingled with man
and with his self-sought
wisdom and pride.

Verse 27

So tormented, my child
reaches out to a friend,
to a neighbor,
to anyone who
will listen, to beg
and plead with them.
Listen, please listen.

Verse 28

And the crowd murmurs
He's but a child,
come lets play,
and let us sing,
for all is well,
and all is free,
and he is but a child.
So lonely my child
comes home to me
and softly ask me,
Mother why am
I only a child . . .?

Verse 29

Now holding . . .
him close to me
so he can feel
of my warmth
I whisper in a quiet voice,
My son you are a child,
because thus we are commanded
like little children to become.

Verse 30

And again he asks,
But Mother they
will not listen,
they cannot hear,
they cannot feel,
they won't even
try to touch,
and the refiners fire
lies idle, mother,
why is that?

Verse 31

And as tears
freely falling
fill my eyes
and cover my cheeks
and lay damp
on his crumpled hair,
I try to explain,

Verse 32

My child long ago
we had a choice
to come here
to this Earth
and have no choice
no agency but to return,
but we chose it not,
we chose instead
to come with agency
the right to freely chose
to be accountable
for all we do
and all we've done.

Verse 33

And when I finished
my child was sleeping
tossing, turning,
but yet once again
asleep in my arms . .

Verse 34

And as I watched . . .
toss and turn
at once quiet
at once calling out
at once in peace
and then in sweat soaked,
I cried to Father,
Why is my child
so tormented by what
he sees here upon the Earth?

Verse 35

And Father hearing
a mother's cry
from this wilderness
replies, again in a still small voice,
Because you've taught him well,
he knows of me, of my Prophets,
of the scriptures you've read to him,
of how to pray in humbleness,

Verse 36

My daughter,
you've taught him well,
and this is why
he sleeps in torment
because he loves his brothers
and his sisters,
and wants so much for them
to know as he does,
of what you've taught him
of Me and My Son,
this is why he sleeps
the restless sleep,
this is the reason
of the torment
of your precious child's soul.

Verse 37

And as a mother
and a daughter who knows
my Father and His son,
I too weep softly
for this precious child
but my tears are of joy
for him and who he will become,
while his are for his friends
and what they may never know,
which torments his child's soul . . .

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