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eagle Northside High School Online
Bell Schedules

Regular Bell Schedule Activity Schedule
6:40First Bell 6:40First Bell
6:45-7:400 Period Bell 6:45-7:400 Period Bell
7:401st Period Bell 7:401st Period Bell
7:45-8:551st Period 7:45-8:451st Period
8:55-9:05Break 8:45-8:55Break
9:10-10:052nd Period 9:00-9:502nd Period
10:10-11:053rd Period 9:55-10:453rd Period
11:05-11:30Lunch A, Class 11:35-12:35 10:45-11:10Lunch A, Class 11:15-12:15
11:35-12:00Lunch B, Class 11:10-11:35 & 12:05-12:35 11:15-11:40Lunch B, Class 10:50-11:15 &11:45-12:15
12:05-12:35Lunch C, Class 11:10-12:05 11:45-12:15Lunch C, Class 10:50-11:45
12:40-1:355th Period 12:20-1:105th Period
1:40-2:356th Period 1:15-2:056th Period
2:05-2:35Activity Period
2:40-3:357th Period 2:40-3:357th Period

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Last updated: August 2, 1999

