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From: World

Oct 20, 2003

I have to admit we have done a lot of ground breaking and got a well known and respected name now...

The Vote sites are showing we are very popular and loved... At this time we are at 300 votes and 6th place I think we will move up and take 3rd or 4th place shortly... We started just a week ago at 85 and seems to me 85 other sites can’t say this much!

So lets keep the pressure on, if your a member this is a honor not a burdan so lets do whatever we each can... I been writing and trying to keep things flowing I would welcome any and all leadership anyone wants to add to the efforts now being made.. We are not a hacker family persay yet we are essorted with skillz and we can always get help if we need it from insiders and out siders....

Lets keep it real and have fun thats what this was always about, yet we do take pride in what we are to each other here.... A new motto seem to be “We Serve and Protect” we are the watch dogs on line now why not...

You will be seeing this on brand new or just starting story peices this is another ground breaking point as we add to a story and build on it it comes to life in front of your eyes..

(In the process of being wrote)

..::Watch as this piece is slowly assembled and a story piece is born on hall of shame::..

We will forever be on the edge of whats hot and whats not as we set the directions of things to come all over the internet...



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