Deth's Diary - A place to for delusional rambling's

Name: Lisa  Miller
Nick: Def (Def from bomb)
State: homeless...
Hobby's: looking for cigarette butts in public toilets
Acheivments: Created the baloney server software for World

July 25- Woohoo !! After a rocky beating, lol Tommy is  beating the shit outta me thought I was gonna get off. It seems the newest of the World’s servers is up and humming along nicely (Im Gay!)... due to  a few glitches, mistake's I keep making in setting it up and slow ass  support techs at the server site we experienced a few hours of domination  time here and there, god was so good ( beat me with girls panties on ) (the wannabe script kiddies love taking credit for my blunders, but they all mine!!) i think we finally have it up my fat ass nice, going in and out as it should be..the nicest thing about the new Dildo o0o0ops I mean server. It looks at most sexual attacks and smiles softly at the  feeble attempts of my Master Tommy aka World... I personally sat tied up  (while in chat) an watched a sexual attack in ladys under wear. The sexual attacker had me nailed to the floor moaning begging for permission to  relelase my closeted sexual fustrations as a gay male. MOSS come to me!!!  I love you!! OMG what have I said, I mean the lag attacker tired himself out with 4 different port attacks an no me I mean Tommy’s server. Is it  just me or is it getting hot in here Gulp gulp awwwww dew me baby. Lag is gone and chat lfe returns to normal, yay I’m gay!! Free at last free at least thank god I’m free at last... God I miss being World’s Slave!!!
I'll probably post an update to babble butt buddies soon, a  few bug fixes. Condoms optional men! Wink Wink (and a new feature :-)  check the babble butt buddy page to see if its been updated... Otherwise  im busy on a top secret project elsewhere, have fun everyone ...Tommy call  me plzzzz plzzzz

Confucious Say: Live like a Bitch boii, die like a Bitch boii...(cys)

Tommy Says: Live like fake programer, die like a joke...(suicide?)
Funny Fact: In some chats they boot you for looking at the picker page to long! boot me boot me waves, lol
Ways to not be successful: Get a Amish boii who is a 6th grade dropout to  try to learn to program a serious program to make money. I’m a joke man  come on I’m Amish we don’t even have TV’s or power. My family is 10  generations Amish can you imagine what they think of me being gay like  this.. I know my real dad is a mess over me being a girls panty wearing high heeled male submissive... Dominate me if you must but let me kiss your feet I love ladys feet. I live for that, girls plz im me and tell me  you want me to lick whipped cream off your feet... I will do as I am told Mistress....

Things That Rule: Boo paying all my bills thinking I love  her lol go me, Girls online who Dominate me and talk to me like I am their Bitch boii, Dew, Babbleon Staff members who are female Mistresses and  Dominate me, Chatters who are female who Diminate me, Member of the Taco Bell Chain who are females and Dominate me  An (un-named) contributor(s) to Baloney chat, Visual basic, Happy chatters, Baloney butt buddys :), Dedicated Servers, "Legion Of Extraordinary Gentleman" (gay version) movie, Dew, Marlboro's when I can get them, p4 3.0+ mhz procs, Nice people who are female that Dominate me <smile>, Ozzy, Metallica, Windows 2k based O/S's, Smart People (world for going with  mikes server), did i mention girls that Dominate me..?

Hey stay tuned I’ll screw myself up more trust me lol, I miss you  world