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The Melting Pot

Home Family Forestry Saint Lucia

Welcome - make yourself at home!

michelle anthirriums painting.jpg (24451 bytes)

© Michelle Elliot 1995, Saint Lucian artist. 

The catalyst to publishing this web site was genealogy and a desire to make available to others the information I have been gathering on our families over the last 20 years.  This is now more balanced by just wanting to communicate with all of you who we just don't see often enough.

So come in, sit down, relax and see what the Kilbane family is getting up to these days.  Search through the photos, old and new.  Find yourself and those nearly mythical ancestral characters in the family trees.  Help to build and document our family history via the form at  Send information

Our News! Your News! Old News! New News!
October 2006
Many thanks to all of you who have commented on the site over the last couple of years and especially to those who have sent additional information and copies of photographs.  Please do use the "Send Information" form which is sent directly to me, you do not need to have "Outlook" as your default.

We have a fantastic "Little Pirates" party for Joel's 4th birthday in September and we'll be having a "Reel Kool" cinema party for Josh's 8th birthday in October.  I'll update the photo albums shortly.

I haven't done any family history research over the last 18 months and any snippets I may have picked up I haven't yet consolidated, but watch this space.

michelle heliconia painting - cropped.jpg (21658 bytes)

© Michelle Elliot 1995, Saint Lucian artist.

Note: There are adverts associated with these sites, the joy of having free web space.  

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Contact us                        Send information                 © Penny Kilbane 2004

This page was last updated by Penny Kilbane on 30-Sep-2006.