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ElfCraft...Elves in Legend & Ritual

e Elf Grove...


According to legend, the Elves once lived on this world, in this reality, a long time ago when the land was very different. This noble race lived and played in the sacred forests of the far North. They learned to talk to the trees and lived high in their branches in little houses called "flets". They spoke with all the animals and plants of the forest. The Elves are said to have been able to communicate with the Devas, Fairies and Spirits. The Elves, in time, became an integral part of the forest. Connected by the Green light that is the Spirit of Nature. For many centuries the Elves were happy.

Then came the greystorm. It looked like snow, but it was darker. It fell slowly at first, then faster and heavier. Fear spread throughout the realms, as the storm began to choke the forest. The Elves tried to run, crying out "fuin a fuin a" which in the old tongue meant "gloom, o gloom". Only a handful of this once great race survived. They wandered the world for thousands of years, until life sprang forth again. Many more thousands of years passed before the human race appeared. Eventually the Elves intermarried with the humans. That is why there are still a few strands of the Elf DNA that sometimes surfaces in certain people.

The Elves that did not survive the greystorm did not die. The Elves are a race of immortals. They were buried by the ash and could not escape, at first. Some went deep underground to live among the Dwarves, but that's another story! After a time, the Elves transcended the physical world, and built a new one on the plane of mental matter. It became known as the Elf Realm, or "Alfheim". Only a few humans have ever gained access to that special Realm. The megalithic standing stones at Stonehenge are a portal where Morgan Le Fey, the sister of King Arthur once entered the Elf Realm...

The Ancient Norse Peoples believed in many worlds. Our Earth, they called Midgard. The Realm of Odin and the Norse Gods is Asgard. The World of the Light Elves is Alfheim.

The Old Norse called the Elves "Alfar" which meant the "shinning white ones". The Elves were not tiny creatures, Like the Fairie Folke of Ireland, but a tall thin people of light skin and golden hair. The Elves had pointed ears and long thin fingers and toes. In the ancient past this immortal race lived in the forests of Midgard as a friend and gaurdien to nature. Many of the Elves who once lived on Midgard are now in Alfheim.

The God Frey, is said to be the ruler of Alfheim, the world of the Light Elves, who are responsible for the growth of vegetation. Frey is the Northern equivalent of the Horned God Cernunnos, who is evoked for peace and plenty.

Alfheim is guarded by the Elf Delling, who is associated with the sunrise.

In Elven Magick, also known as "ElfCraft", there are Seven Forces that guide Midgard. They are represented by Seven Elven Lords. The Four Elven Elements and the Three aspects of Life comprise the Seven Forces...

Light...Ruled by the Sun...East

Rocks...Ruled by the Earth...South

Waters...Ruled by the Moon...West

Airs...Ruled by the Stars...North

The Plant Kingdom

The Animal Kingdom

The Elven Kingdom

The Elven Kingdom is Ruled by Oberon, the High Lord of the Elves. Oberon is thought to be neither Male or Female, but Complete and Whole...perfectly Ying and Yang. The other Six Elven Lords have Male and Female aspects, making a total of Thirteen Elven Forces. Keep in mind that the Elven Lords are Beings of Natural Magicks, intimately connected with Nature on all levels...physical, mental, spiritual. The Elven Lords are humble entities who do not demand that you know Their names, or pay Them homage. If you wish to please the Elven Lords, simply honor the Seven Aspects of Nature.

Elven Ceremony

There are some similarities between the Elven Ceremony and the Wiccan Circle. Both honor and recognize the Four Cardinal Directions and Elements. In Wicca the Guardians, or Watchtowers are invoked at the beginning, and dismissed at the end of the Ritual. In ElfCraft it is more like taking a deep breath. The Seven Lords are recognized, welcomed and taken into the Heart, like a breath. Then thanked at the close of the ceremony. The energy filters through the body like air...coming, going and leaving one nourished by the exchange of Energies. The Elven Lords are not "invoked" per se. It is a joining or welcoming. Elves are part of the weave of magick, they are beings made of magick.

Yule is the most sacred of Elven holidays. The following Ritual is performed at Dawn on December 21st to honor the return of the the days grow longer after the Winter Solstice.

First one must address Delling, the Guardien of Alfheim, so that a connection can be made between Midgard and Alfheim. One might say:

"Delling, Guardien of Alfheim, let the Path between Midgard and Alfheim be clear that we may honor the Light and Wisdom of the Alfar."

Facing the East, where the first light of dawn will appear, take in the energy of the Seven Pointed Elven Star:


"I honor and accept the Point of personal power...Let my will manifest itself to mold and create our reality for the good of All Beings."

"I honor and accept the point of Love...Let my love be unconditional and pure...for the good of All Beings."

"I honor and accept the point of Intellect...Let me grow and learn for the good of All Beings."

"I honor and accept the point of Harmony...Let me be aware of the essential unity of All Beings."

"I honor and accept the point of Mind...Let me elevate my consciousness for the good of All Beings."

"I honor and accept the point of Honesty...Let me be true to myself and All Beings."

I honor and accept the point of Magick...Let the Sacred energies flow through myself and All Beings."


During the first half of an Elven Ritual, when energy is being drawn in, one would old the arms out, palms up, then bring the hands together over the Heart, as if to welcome the energy into one's Heart Centre. During the last half of the Ritual, one would start with the hands over the Heart, thank the Energy, then extend the arms out, palms up.

Still facing the East say...

"We welcome the Light of the Sacred Star Sol...from this Day forth Let Your Energy increase and Bless us with your warmth and power."

Meditate for a few moments on the Sun, be thankful for all it offers.

Face the South and say...

"We welcome the Strength and Stability of the Sacred Rock Midgard...You are our Home and our Mother."

Meditate for a few moments on the Earth, be thankful for all it offers.

Face the West and say...

"We welcome the Sacred Waters...Pure and are the Source of All Life."

Meditate for a few moments on the Waters, be thankful for all they offer.

Face the North and say...

"We welcome the Airs...the Carrier of Sound...the Source of our Lifes' Breath."

Meditate for a few moments on the Airs, be thankful for all they offer.

Face the North-East and say...

"We welcome Oberon, Lord of Elves and Humans.

We welcome the Sacred Energy of the Plants.

We welcome the Sacred Energy of the Animals."

Meditate for a few moments.

Face the East and continue to meditate as the following poem is read. This could be accompanied by Harp Music.

The Circle of Fey

The Elders were silent and the Bards tounges were still,

as the sun softly settled, behind the green hill.

And the clouds turned to crimson, at the end of this day,

as we gathered to walk through the Circle of Fey.

I noticed the ArchMage, his beard white and long,

the Owl and the Raven seemed to sing the same song.

So I looked to the West, and the Sun's final ray,

as we gathered to walk through the Circle of Fey.

As the darkness descended our patience was lost,

and the full Moon appeared in the midwinters frost.

So I gathered my cloak up as I heard a voice say,

"Come walk with me through the Circle of Fey."

The ArchMage said nothing, as his eyes turned to me,

and the Bards and the Elders dropped down to one knee.

Each of us wondered who would lead the way,

as we stood at the edge of the Circle of Fey.

From a nearby river the fog did arrive,

and moved as 'tho it were aware and alive.

And before we could know, it drifted away,

and the mist softly entered the Circle of Fey.

I looked to my left, the Archmage was not there,

and I felt tiny wings gently touching my hair.

Then the Forest Minstrels began to play, singing

"Walk with us through the Circle of Fey."

Green light did surround me, pulling me in,

as I wore a pensive, Elvish grin.

A moment, or a decade I could not say,

for time means nothing in the Circle of Fey.

It was late in the 'morn when my head did clear,

gone were the Minstrels, the Maidens, the Deer.

All that remained on this Midwinter's day,

were the memories of my walk through the Circle of Fey.

Now there's never an evening that a voice that does not say

"Come walk with me through the Circle of Fey." Sellador © 1999

Continue to Meditate on the meaning of the Poem.


Face the North-East and say...

"We thank Oberon, Lord of Elves and Humans.

We thank the Sacred Energy of the Plants.

We thank the Sacred Energy of the Animals."

Face the North and say...

"We thank the Airs...the Carrier of Sound...the Source of our Lifes' Breath."

Face the West and say...

"We thank the Sacred Waters...Pure and are the Source of All Life."

Face the South and say...

"We thank the Sacred Rock Midgard...You are our Home and our Mother."

Face the East and say...

"We thank the Light of the Sacred Star Sol...

from this Day forth Let your Energy increase and Bless us with Your warmth and power."


My CD "Something the Elf Said"

New CD! The-Elven Bard

"Healing Harp Meditations"CD

About the Bard

The Elf Star


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