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WELCOME, stranger.

Today is
and you are visitor number to have entered

The restful and wholly congenial


It is suggested that, while you are viewing these pages,
that you have a nice hot and a bit of a sit-down while you think about this;-

"The bond that links your true family is not one of blood,
but of respect and joy in each other's life.
Rarely do members of one family grow up under the same roof.
Richard Bach"

Where exactly are we?

Well, if you remember, you entered cyber-space and took the information super highway. After travelling for several days straight ahead past the more travelled side URL's, you eventually reached a small layby which had a concealed path through the newsgroup woods. You turned left at the third corner past the old milkbar and then right just where the big oak tree burned down during the 70's. Followed the stream which flows past the old ivy covered cathedral and the spooky graveyard and you eventually arrived at a bridge which has a twelve foot plank sticking out over the deepest part of the stream.

You have now reached the APFPY Village

More formally this is the website of the newsgroup,
where a Villager once took a walk along the shore of our river,
where visitors are always welcome and, despite their protests,
the Village Song is often sung.

There are a lot of websites which are associated with the Village and here are some of the links.

There is no time limit on how long a visitor may stay in APFPY Village and it can be difficult to tell the difference between villagers and visitors. Sometimes visitors may decide to stay and settle down.
It is easy to become an APFPY Villager and you may care to
read about how to apply for residency.

We enjoy each others' celebrations and spend a little time gloating over how other people are getting older. So that we know who to gloat at next, we have a birthday list.

Here are this quarter's birthdays, taken from the Birthday List.
Some of these Villagers may not have posted for a while.
BIRTHDAYS in JANUARY :- Brian, January 3; Jim, January 4; Nancy (Sunray), January 13; Bonita, January 18; Petunia, January 21; Skye, January 24; Tidwell (Donna), January 28; Linda (Cricket), January 28. BIRTHDAYS in FEBRUARY:- Gary Reynolds, February 4; Ian, February 6; Joy February 8; Jay (Nitebird) February 9; Tiffin, February 12; Marianne, February 16; John Wilson, February 17; Di (chocoholic), February 22. BIRTHDAYS in MARCH:- Emil Taitl, March 1; Lorraine, March 3; John Meehan, March 7; Mike Hudson, March 16; Evelyn, March 17; Carlie the Celt, March 18; Joe (Outlaw), March 22; Jean Walton, March 23; Kelpie, March 24; Frank, March 26; Zorg, March 27.

You may have noticed that chocolate is often mentioned in the Village.
This is because it has become a defacto currency.
Brib - - - err - - - gifts of Chocolate are always welcome,
especially by the Mayor, who prefers his chocolate with

One of our quaint Village customs is answering questions. Every Monday a series of six questions is posted on the newsgroup and many of us post our answers. Just as a practice run, you may care to answer
A Sporting website question.

Over the years a number of Villagers have spent time in the #desert. This is a mIRC channel and a place where early Villagers met and communicated in real time. Over the past couple of years mIRC has had its problems but seems to have resolved them at last.
has been re-opened and if you visit, you may just be lucky enough to meet some of the Villagers relaxing while you are there.


As in all villages there are people, businesses and community activities. They are recorded in the


and in


And on this "clickable" map, finally, at last, completed - I hope -


Comments, chocolate, complaints to the webmaster (Ærchie) c/- Room 3A, Pussy Parlour