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Ascended Masters, Saints, 144,000..Could Different World Faiths Be Trying To Teach The Same Idea?

Could Ascended Masters, Saints & The 144,000 Be The Same Thing?

"Ascended Masters, are believed to be spiritually enlightened beings who in their former lives were ordinary humans, but who have undergone a process of spiritual transformation." Reads under the section on Theosphy. Originally presented by H. P. Blavatsky in the 1870s,[8] the "Masters of Wisdom" or "Mahatmas" or "Elder Brothers" [9] were further developed by C. W. Leadbeater, Alice Bailey, Helena Roerich, Manly P. Hall. Later on many others in theosophy-based organizations, especially in the United States, developed the concept of Ascended Masters which departs from the theosophical one in several aspects.

New Age author,Elizabeth Clare Prophet also mentioned "Ascended Masters," in her books. It is further claimed by various groups and teachers that the Ascended Masters serve as the teachers of mankind from the realms of Spirit. PureLand Buddhism the belief in the Maiytrea Buddha may very well fit this disciption. In Catholicism this could discribe their beliefs in Saints. Protestants, for the most part do not seem to habe a clear idea of who or what saints are or what their purpose is, pursuming that saint simply means any Christian believer. Catholics seem to understand that saints are chosen people of God..but they take it too far and end up praying to saints and thus putting them before the Christ.

Many likewise in the New Age movement have sought communications with saints to guild them in their interpretating of their own writtings and dictations of books. We should be careful not to revear saints as equal to the Creator. The Bible tells us to be careful not even worship angels. Also the Scriptures warn that fallen angels like to pretend to be "Angels of Light."

From the Laymen's Home Missionary Movement web site Q & A

Saints—Who Are The People Of The Saints Dan. 7: 27.

Question (1957)—In Dan 7: 27 we read that “the kingdom and dominion and the greatness of the kingdom under the whole heaven, shall be given to the people of the saints of the most High.” Who are the people of the saints? Are they the class on earth over which Christ and His Church will reign in their Thousand-year Kingdom (Rev. 5: 10; 20: 4, 6), the ”times of restitution of all things” (Acts 3: 19-21)?

Answer.—In Dan. 7: 27. The ”uprights” of Psa. 49: 14, who will have dominion (over earth) in the (Millennial) morning, evidently are “the saints” referred to in Dan. 7: 27, for God’s faithful saints, who have suffered with Jesus during the Gospel Age, will be granted the glorious privileges of sharing the Thousand-year Reign over earth, in joint-heirship with Him (Rom. 8: 17; 2 Tim. 2: 11, 12; Rev. 3: 21; Matt. 19: 28; Luke 22: 30; Rev. 5: 10; 20: 4, 6). They shall be given “the kingdom and dominion under the whole heaven,” as declared by the angel to Daniel (7: 27). This dominion Jehovah will fully wrest by force from the ”prince of this world,” Satan (John 14: 30; 2 Cor. 4: 4), and will give it to His Son (Ezek. 21: 27; Dan. 7: 13, 14; Micah 4: 8), whose Bride, the Church (Rev. 21: 2, 9), will share her Bridegroom’s Kingdom.

This transfer, in which “the kingdom of this world” become “the kingdom of our Lord, and of his Christ” (Rev. 11: 15), is accomplished in the great Time of Trouble (Dan. 12: 1; Matt. 24: 21, 22), in which we have been living in and contiune to do so even now in the present, which is to end “this present evil world” (Gal. 1: 4), the present social order, and make way for the ”new earth, wherein dwelleth righteousness” (2 Pet. 3: 13). From Dan. 7: 18, 22 we see that this expression, “the people of the saints,” refers to the saints themselves, for “the saints of the most High shall take the kingdom, and possess the kingdom” and “the time came that the saints possessed the kingdom.” The latter are set forth as the children of the saints (Isa. 60: 4, 9).

In Jehovah's Witnesses the concept of Ascended masters might match their belief in the 144,000 chosen discribed in the book of Revelation. They hold a belief that small numbers of special saints ascended into heaven. They passed challenges here on earth in this imperfect age, and are chosen to be raised as spirits beings to rule with Christ when he brings his millennial rein over earth and transforms it. My view is this 144,000 number to extended beyound those of ONLY a certain name brand faith group, sect or denomination or man-made religion. When the Theosphy groups discribe these Ascended Masters" as coming from all different faith backgrounds...Christian Saints like Paul..Catholic - Mother Tereasa, Hindu Gaundi..this is something I concure with...the only difference is that I do not connect any belief in these people having lived incarnations of many lives in achieving this. I don't believe in reincarnation... but I believe they passed challenges here on earth in this imperfect age, and were chosen to be raised as spirits beings to rule with Christ when he brings his millennial rein over earth and transforms it.

Also, in agremment with Theosphoist Alice Baily and certain other New Age persons, I concure with the belief Christ is "Maityrea" that Pureland Buddhists hope for. It is my belief that whether individuals are aware of it or not..when Pureland Buddhist look forward to the coming Maitreya they actually looking for the coming of Christ and when neo-Hindus look for the future coming incarnation of Krishna..they are actually looking for the future coming of Christ.

Ascending Into The Spirit Relm Is Not & Should Not Be "Everyone's" Hope Or Desire..Many Wants To Help Earth

It should be understood that not every God realized person desires to want to "Ascend" beyound the earth and into the spirit relm or heaven and this does NOT mean they are any less dedicated to God or that they do have any part in the future coming of God's Kingdom through Christ millennial rein. Rather, there is a massive Great Crowd of Godly from all walks of life, people who desire and destiny is to be on this earth and see it's transformation back to a perfected Eden. They will be stewards of the earth working with the Creator to see the restoration of ecology and the unity between humankind and nature. In Pureland Buddhism there is a belief in which they speak of certain individuals choosing not into ascend into a blissful spirit relm but instead choose to help humanity on earth. Of course, in this way, they mean, individuals who choose to be on earth in this present IMperfect age.

But there are those who choose 'nOT' a desire to ascend into a blissful spirit relm... but instead hope to live on earth as it enters into a perfect and permenent age. John The Baptist was discribed as such a person. Jesus said of John, "No finer man on earth has lived...but he (John) did NOT ascend into heaven.._"

[edit] Notes ^ Partridge, Christopher ed. New Religions: A Guide: New Religious Movements, Sects and Alternative Spiritualities Oxford University Press, USA 2004. Describes the Theosophical Society and religious organizations based on a belief in Ascended Masters, such as The I AM Activity, The Bridge to Freedom and The Summit Lighthouse. pages 330 - 334

^ King, Godfre Ray. Unveiled Mysteries. Chicago, Illinois: Saint Germain Press 1934 page vii: "The time has arrived, when the Great Wisdom, held and guarded for many centuries in the Far East, is now to come forth in America, at the command of those Great Ascended Masters who direct and protect the evolution of mankind upon this Earth." ^ Saint Germain Foundation. The History of the "I AM" Activity and Saint Germain Foundation. Schaumburg, Illinois: Saint Germain Press 2003 ^ The Bridge to Freedom Journal (1951-1961) Reprinted by Ascended Master Teaching Foundation, 1989

Saints—Who Are The People Of The Saints Dan. 7: 27.

Question (1957 ^ Lewis, James R. Church Universal and Triumphant in Scholarly Perspective Center For Academic Publication 1994. ^ White Paper - Wesak World Congress 2002. Acropolis Sophia Books & Works 2003. ^ Braden, Charles S. These Also Believe MacMillan Publishing Company 2000, pp. 257-307 ^ Blavatsky, Helena Petrovna The Secret Doctrine: The Synthesis of Science, Religion, and Philosophy. Theosophical Publishing House, 1888. Volume I Introductory page xxxviii: "In Century the Twentieth some disciple more informed, and far better fitted, may be sent by the Masters of Wisdom to give final and irrefutable proofs that there exists a Science called Gupta-Vidya; and that, like the once-mysterious sources of the Nile, the source of all religions and philosophies now known to the world has been for many ages forgotten and lost to men, but is at last found." ^ Leadbeater, C.W. The Masters and the Path. Adyar, India: Theosophical Publishing House, 1929 (Reprint: Kessinger Publishing, 1997). ^ Luk, A.D.K.. Law of Life - Book I. Pueblo, Colorado: A.D.K. Luk Publications, 1989, pp. 23-27. ^ Blavatsky, H. P. (1968 [1889]). The Key to Theosophy. London: Theosophical Publishing House. ^ Johnson, K. Paul (1994). The Masters Revealed. Albany, NY: SUNY Press. ^ Cranston, Sylvia. H. P. B. : The Extraordinary Life & Influence of Helena Blavatsky. Chapter 8 "Tibetan Sojourn Part 3 Pages 99 - 109. New York, New York: G. P. Putnam's Sons 1993. ^ Prophet, Elizabeth Clare and Prophet, Mark L. Saint Germain on Alchemy: For the Adept in the Aquarian Age. Livingston, Montana: Summit University Press 1986. ^ Vyasa, Krishna-Dwaipayana. Mahabharata. Chapter 23 - Arjuna's Quest: Indra addresses Arjuna saying: "This area is the abode of Immortal Saints and Sages. War and war-weapons are just unknown here." ^ Besant, Annie. Initiation: Perfecting of Man. London: Theosophical Publishing House 1912 ^ Luk, A.D.K.. Law of Life - Book II. Pueblo, Colorado: A.D.K. Luk Publications 1989, pp. 241-254 ^ Hall, Manly P. The Adepts in the Western Esoteric Tradition, Part Three - Orders of Universal Reformation. Philosophical Research Society, 1949. ^ Yogananda, Autobiography of a Yogi. Self Realization Fellowship 1926 ^ Hall, Manly P. The Secret Teachings of All Ages "An Encyclopedic Outline of Masonic, Hermetic, Qabbalistic and Rosicrucian Symbolical Philosophy Being an Interpretation of the Secret Teachings Concealed within the Rituals, Allegories and Mysteries of all Ages" H.S. Crocker Company, Inc. 1928 ^ Hall, Manly P. The Adepts in the Esoteric Classical Tradition, Part Two - Mystics and Mysteries of Alexandria. Philosophical Research Society, 1988. page 67 ^ Pearls of Wisdom Volume 20 Number 21 Livingston, Montana: Summit University Press, 1997. ^ Pearls of Wisdom Volume 32 Number 29. Livingston, Montana: Summit University Press 1997. Lao-tzu was physically embodied in 6th century B.C. as a Chinese sage and mystic, and is traditionally accepted as the founder of Taoism. ^ Hall, Manly P., The Adepts in the Esoteric Classical Tradition, Part One - The Initiates of Greece and Rome. Philosophical Research Society, 1936 ^ Sinnett, Alfred Percy. The Occult World. Boston: Colby & Rich, 1882. ^ Sisson, Marina Cesar. Helena Blavatsky and the Enigma of John King Originally published as Informativo HPB, n° 3, 4 and 5 English translation available at [1] ^ J. Gordon Melton & Christopher Partridge, New Religions: A Guide: New Religious Movements, Sects and Alternative Spiritualities. Oxford University Press, 2004 ^ I AM Ascended Master Dictation List Saint Germain Press Inc., 1995, Listing of those who are claimed to be Ascended Masters by The I AM Activity ^ The Great White Brotherhood in the Culture, History and Religion of America. Summit University Press 1975. [edit] References Braden, Charles S. These Also Believe MacMillan Publishing Company 1960 (Reprint 2000). The classic study of minority religions in the United States of America. ISBN 0-02-514360-3 Cranston, Sylvia. H. P. B. : The Extraordinary Life & Influence of Helena Blavastsky. G. P. Putnam's Sons 1993 ISBN 0-9662115-1-0 Godwin, Joscelyn (1994). The Theosophical Enlightenment. SUNY Press. ISBN 0-7914-2152-X Hall, Manly P. The Secret Teachings of All Ages "An Encyclopedic Outline of Masonic, Hermetic, Qabbalistic and Rosicrucian Symbolical Philosophy Being an Interpretation of the Secret Teachings Concealed within the Rituals, Allegories and Mysteries of all Ages" H.S. Crocker Company, Inc. 1928 (Reprint: Tarcher 2003) ISBN 1-58542-250-9 Leadbeater, C.W. The Masters and the Path. The Theosophical Publishing House 1925 (Reprint: Kessinger Publishing 1997). ISBN 1-56459-686-9 Partridge, Christopher ed. New Religions: A Guide: New Religious Movements, Sects and Alternative Spiritualities Oxford University Press, USA 2004. Describes the Theosophical Society, The I AM Activity, The Bridge to Freedom and The Summit Lighthouse. ISBN 0-19-522042-0 Saint Germain Foundation. The History of the "I AM" Activity and Saint Germain Foundation. Saint Germain Press 2003 ISBN 1-878891-99-5 King, Godfre Ray. Unveiled Mysteries. Saint Germain Press 1934. ISBN 1-878891-00-6 Saint Germain. I AM Discourses. Saint Germain Press 1935. ISBN 1-878891-48-0 [edit] External links The Saint Germain Foundation , Original publisher of Ascended Master Teachings beginning in 1934 Retrieved from "" Categories: Ascended Master Teachings | Esoteric cosmology | Spiritual evolution | Theosophical philosophical concepts September 2009

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