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In Lucas' early childhood he would kill small animals and have sex with the dead bodies. When Lucas was 15 he wanted to know what it was like to have sex with a human being. The first murder occurred in 1953. Lucas strangled a girl that he was trying to rape. The Murder was a mystery for thirty years. Lucas later confessed to killing Laura. But that was just the beginning. Henry spent most of his years in jail. Beginning in 1954 he was arrested for a sting of burglaries in Richmond VA, Lucas was sentenced to ten years. But on September 4, 1957, he escaped from a road gang and geld to his older sisters home in Tecumseh, Michigan. Three months later, he was recaptured and returned to Virginia where he attempted another escape a month later. Despite two escapes Lucas was released two months later, on September 2, 1959. He went back to live with his sister in Michigan again. His mother continued to call him, telling him to come back to Virginia. Lucas wanted nothing to do with her. When Lucas refused to move back his mother, Viola followed him to Michigan. On January 11, 1960 Lucas and his mother were out drinking when they got into an argument. Going back to when Lucas was just a boy, she grabbed the broom and broke it over his skull. Soon after that, she was on the floor with a knife wound in her chest, mortally wounded. Lucas raped the body and then fled to Virginia. His mother died forty-eight hours later, she was found in a pool of blood. He later told police "all I remember was slapping her alongside the neck, but after I did that I saw her fall and decided to grab her. But she fell to the floor and when I went back too pick her up, I realized she was dead. Then I noticed that I had my knife in my hand and she had been cut." He was arrested and sentenced to 20-40 years in prison. He was released 10 years later due to over-crowing. When he was released he met Otis Toole and they killed, raped, molested, and ate many people. The actual number of people that Lucas killed are not exactly known. He was convicted of killing ten, but he confessed to killing over 600. Police don’t know if that is true because they think he went insane. The dates of Lucas' killing range from 1959 to 1983. On March 31, 1998, Texas State District Judge John Carter set June 30 as the execution date for Henry Lee. Although his many confessions, he was sentenced to death for the 1979 murder of a female hitchhiker known as "Orange Socks" for the only item of clothing left on her body. During many of his detractions Lucas claimed that he was working as a roofer in Florida when the hitchhiker was killed. No execution date had been set for Lucas until now. He was granted a stay in September 1995 so his claims of false confessions could be investigated. The stay was lifted a year later. On June 27, 1998 Governor George W. Bush spared Henry's life because of overwhelming evidence proving that Henry was not in Texas when "Orange Socks" was murdered. Although Lucas confessed to killing her, work records and a cashed paycheck indicated he was in Florida at the time of the murder. Bush issued the reprieve on the recommendation of the state parole board. "I can only thank them for believing the truth and having guts enough for standing up for what's right," Lucas said from death row. "Henry Lee Lucas is unquestionably guilty of other despicable crimes which he has been sentenced to spend the rest of his life in prison," said Bush, in Brownsville for a conference of U.S.-Mexico border state governors. "However, I believe there is enough doubt about this particular crime that the state of Texas should not impose its ultimate penalty by executing him." Eventually, Lucas was sentenced to die. He was killed by lethal injection.

Methods of Killing

  • Stabbing
  • Bludgeoning
  • Strangling

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