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Otis Toole

Lucas was discharged from the state pen in 1975. Not long afterward, he met Ottis Toole, a vicious psychopath who became Lucas’s partner in one of the most appalling killing spree in the annals of American crime. An aggressive homosexual, who went around dressing like women. For the next seven years, this deranged duo roamed the country, murdering and mutilating an untold number of victims. Like Lucas, Toole also had a taste for necrophilia. He also indulged in occasional cannibalism, an atrocity that Lucas tended to shun, since he found human flesh too gamy. For much of their odyssey, they were accompanied by Toole’s preadolescent niece, Frieda "Becky" Powell, who became Lucas’s lover and common-law wife. She would later become his ultimate victim, when at age fifteen she was found dismembered, stuffed in pillowcases, and strewn over a field. In 1983 Lucas and Toole were convicted for 10 homicides and both got the death sentence. Ottis got off his death sentence as he was diagnosed a paranoid schizophrenic. His death sentence was commuted to six consecutive life sentences. In prison Ottis confessed and later recanted killing 6-year-old Adam Walsh, whose 1981 disappearance outside a Hollywood, Florida, mall set off a nationwide manhunt and launched the TV career of his father, John Walsh, as the creator and host of the Fox television series "America's Most Wanted." In the autumn of 1996 Ottis died in prison of liver failure.

Ways Of Torture

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