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Lucas' Childhood

On August 23, 1937, in the woods of Virginia in a two bedroom, dirt floor cabin Henry Lee Lucas was born to a prostitute, Viola. Lucas was one of nine children. Out of the nine several kids were farmed out to relatives, institutions, and foster home. Lucas was one of the “lucky” ones who lived with him mom. Viola appeared to have hated her kids for the moment they were born. Trying to make Lucas’ life a living hell, Viola would make Lucas watch her perform her sexual pleasures. He would be beaten for looking away or trying to leave. Lucas grew up with an abusive mother and was beaten a lot as a child. Viola would beat him with a two by four in the back of the head. Lucas’ father, the only one who showed any compassion to Lucas, became intoxicated and slept outside in the snow catching a fatal case of the pneumonia. When Lucas went to school, in 1943, his mother dressed him up as a girl. Putting him in a dress and curling his hair he went to kindergarten. Lucas had no shoes in school until a kind teacher gave him a pair. When Lucas got home, him mother beat him for accepting the gift. If Lucas found a pet, his mother would kill it. When Lucas was just a boy his moms “live-in-lover,” Bernie introduced Lucas to bestiality, the quality or condition or of being like an animal and to have sexual relations between a human and an animal. Lucas would kill and rape various animals. By age 13 Lucas was obsessed with sex.

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