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    Peter first killed when he was 9. He drowned 2 playmates in the Rhine River.
    On May 25, 1913, he broke into a house but found nothing worth stealing. Instead he found a sleeping 10 year old Christine Klein, who he strangled and raped, and later slit her throat to watch her bleed.

    After the murder, Peter went to jail for deserting the army, but was released in 1921. Between 1925 and 1929, he committed a string of murders by using various weapons such as axes, knives, scissors, and his bare hands.
     In 1929, on August 23, Peter killed 5 year old Gertrude Hamacher and 14 year old Louise Lenzen by luring them into a desolate place and strangling, molesting, and once again cutting their throats. The next day he tried to have sex with Schulte, she responded by saying "I'd rather die" and so he stabbed her.
    Next came Ida Reuter and Elizabeth Dorrier, two servant girls who were both raped and then killed with a hammer.

Gertrude Hamacher
Ida Reuter