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Welcome to Wildwind Australian Shepherd.......... Located in sunny Florida.......... Where dreams do come true

1989 - 2002

He has left pawprints on our hearts.......

Showtimes Class Act



Please join me in the link below a heart warming experience...

Do You Remember Love

My name is Chris Caracappa and I have been in the world of wonderful
Australian Shepherds since 1983.

I was working with horses on a breeding farm and my boss had a little black tri bitch, she would follow me everywhere. He asked me if I would take care of her for a week while they went away. One week with this wonderful dog and my life changed, she was so smart and learned everything in a flash, I had to have one of my own.

I found a 2 year old blue female, Kelly. She went everywhere with me and knew every trick there was, I didn't compete back then with the dogs so
I read all the information on the breed I could get my hands on.

In 1991 I purchased Andy, I lived in a small town and there were a lot of Aussie fanciers and they would see Andy and tell me I should show him. Somehow I ended up having the show on my property, I remember standing outside the ring and when it was time to go in my feet where stuck I couldn't move. Thank goodness a friend was there and took him in the ring,
Andy got Reserve Winners dog...

I have gotten over my show ring jitters since then and it has been straight up hill ever since.

Andy's kids and grandkids have finished their championships with ease.

I still continue to learn and I strive to produce puppies with great personalities and clean genetics. I have also done some homework in dog food and what this country lets some of the dog food companies put in our pets food, from feathers to deasesed animal parts. Please take a look at this dog food link, it is worth the couple of minutes to look at to feed your pet a better diet to live longer and healthier.Dog Food

I am always willing to share my experiences and answer any questions. Please sign my guest book, have a cup of coffee and relax as you look at some of my wonderful dogs.

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Some Of My Favorites

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