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Southern Baptist


This picture was taken when my son James was small and in Korea. The girls in the picture are my cousin's daughters. On the left is her set of twins, then her daughter Jinha, then my son James and finally her oldest daughter Unha.

This picture of James was taken at our kitchen table. James is a kind and loving son. He is a real joy in our life.

This picture of James was taken in our garage as he was getting ready to go to Hurlburt Field, Florida for work. James is a Life Support Specialist in a Helicopter Squadron at Hurlburt's Special Operations Wing.

This picture was taken a few years ago and is a picture of my husband and son in our front yard. Picture was taken just before they left for Taekwondo Practice at Lee's Taekwondo in Panama City, Florida.

From left to right is James Anderson, Kim Faulkner, and Jackey Simpson. Picture was taken at Tommy Oliver Stadium in Panama City, Florida after the Rutherford High Schools Graduation Ceremonies in June 1999.

From left to right you have my Robert Anderson, James Anderson, Dale Anderson, Sandy Anderson, and me (Twiggy Anderson). Picture was taken after James' graduation from Rutherford High School.

These are long time friends of our family, Olga and Chong Faine. Olga and Chong live in Las Vegas, Nevada.

This is the David Ambelang family. David used to work with my husband as a carpenter at Kwangju Air Base, Korea when he only had two stripes. Now look at him, he is a Chief Master Sergeant with a wife and three lovely children.

Bob Carter is relaxing at the Wakula Springs, Florida's picnic area. Bob and his family are long time friends of ours. In fact Bob also worked with my husband at Kwangju Air Base, Korea in the same time frame as David Ambelang did. Bob is a carpenter and has retired out of the Air Force.

This is Art Ancontani and the picture was taken in the picnic area at Wakula Springs State Park in Florida. Art is retired from the Air Force and now has his own Air Conditioning and Heating Business in Panama City, Florida.

This is a picture of the Duiven Family. From left to right you have Ehwa, David, Jeffrey, and Jessee. We have been friends with the Duiven family for a long time. The Duiven family now live in Alabama and David works at Ft.Ruckner as a helicopter mechanic. David is also retired out of the Air Force.

This is a picture of Steve and Jane's Wedding taken at Saint Andrews State Park, Florida.

On the back row from left to right in this picture you have Wonja Simpson, Don't know the next ladies name, Tong Ancontoni, and Chong Carter. In the middle row from left to right is Song Huffman and Shin Wagoner. In the front row from left to right is myself (Twiggy Anderson), Sugi Lambert, and Chong Faulkner. This picture was taken at a party we had at the Carter's house in Lynn Haven, Florida.

This is a picture of my son James and myself and was taken in the parking lot at the Panama Cities Air Force Recruiting Office. Picture was taken the day that my son James left for his Air Force Training. It was a sad time for me and my husband seeing our only child going into the military.

Our son James is stationed at Hurlburt Field, Florida which is about 70 miles from home. Here we have James and my husband Andy standing beside James' Honda Accord at Hurlburt Field.

This picture was taken at the Drone Boat Site on Tyndall Air Force Base, Florida near where we live. This is a picture of my son James and me Twiggy with the Drone Boats behind us.

Visit Twiggy's Other Pages!

Family & Friends Korean Family & Old Friends Home Page
Chi He's Wedding

My Favorite Web Sites

Red Horse Country
James' Web Page


