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Truth Leads 2 Life TRUTH LEADS 2 LIFE!

        Truth Leads 2 Life

          We hope to share with those who really care, the Unconditional, Unedited, and Unchanged, Truths of God's Word. We are told in today's society that there are really no absolutes. Everyone has the truth because truth is only relative to what one wishes to believe. To be willing to speak in absolutes was once a sought after quality in a person. Now one who endeavors to do so is thought of as offensive, intrusive and divisive. Unfortunately this attitude is not restricted to the world's way of thinking, but is a part of the religious community. Our main concern in particular is that it is the accepted thinking of proclaiming Christian believers. Christianity is no longer based on the truths of God's Word, but on feelings, experiences and most of all on what one wishes to believe. The world makes God into who they wish Him to be and Christians make the Godhead into whom they wish them to be. Today all one needs as proof of his/her Christianity is that they found Jesus, and/or said a prayer, and/or invited Him into their hearts. This need not be accompanied with the true GOSPEL(Good News)of WHO GOD IS, WHAT GOD DID, WHO WE ARE, and WHAT WE DID.
          We know that God said He will give to His own the Holy Spirit who (Jn.16:13"He will guide you into all truth:")God did not say this is for only those who are smart enough, went to seminary, got a high school degree etc., but to all who are called by Him. May God's Grace (UNMERITED FAVOR) eable us to accept His Truths unconditionally even if they do not fit our finite thinking.
          Pray that God's Truth will prevail for IT is a matter of LIFE or DEATH.
          Bob & Nancy

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          Questions & Answers

          Why Easter?

          Is God Sovereign?

          What Are Some Of God's Attributes?

          Guest Teachings:
          THE LORD'S SUPPER, by Joe Slowiaczek
          THE COVENANTS, by Joe Slowiaczek
          WATER BAPTISM, by Joe Slowiaczek
          CALVINISM VS ARMINIANISM, by Joe Slowiaczek

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