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Holistic Beginnings


Transcultural exchange in Oracabessa, Jamaica.

I found a most wonderful place to gather and learn about self-healing, personal development, and spiritual discussions while on vacation in Jamaica. The Rainbow Isle of Light is quite a unique place: a 12 room guest house, restaurant, bakery, large meeting hall and school. It holds workshops on holistic approaches and enlightenment.

The following are some of the workshops being offered.

Holistic Workshops - These workshops touch on various, alternative healing techniques. Explore them and learn about yourself, your options, your own power.

Medicine Wheel Workshops - Explore ancient, indigenous philosophies on medicine. Find your personal medicine and learn about earth astrology, medicine shields, totems, spirit bags, circles. Learn about awareness and retrieving your personal power.

Earth Changes Workshops - Participate in discussions on our changing times, astrology, prophecy, and personal hopes and visions for this new age.

Sisters Unite Workshops - A forum to gather information on the Matriarchal tribes and times. Explore Total woman, Goddess, and Mother Earth Issues.

Child Development Workshops - These include involvement of the "Rainbow Learning Center", a basic schol (3-6 year olds) with information, creative and alternative teaching techniques, taught by a licensed Montessori Directress.

Please e-mail me with your interests. All workshops have long, condensed, or combined versions covering one or more topics.

The projected date for the first series of workshops is May 23-28, 2000. Note that this is only a tentative date. E-mail me that you are interested so that I can keep you up to date as to changes/further information.