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Holistic Beginnings

About Myself

I have over twenty five years experience as an RN in Florida and fifteen years as a Certified Critical/Coronary Intensive Care Nurse (CCRN). I received my ASN, AA from Pensacola Junior College School of Nursing.

I am a Healing Touch Practitioner, endorsed by the American Holistic Nursing Association and a Therapeutic Touch Practitioner as developed by Delores Kriedger, RN, Ph.D. and Dora Kunz, RN, Ph.D. and endorsed by the Nurse Healer Professional Association International.  Therapeutic Touch and Spiritual Training was under Patricia Connal, RN, MSN, HNC, CCHT Practitioner, Doctoral Student UF.The following are different types of holistic modalities (techniques) used in Holistic Health care. A Holistic practitioner may use one or several of these modalities in a Healing Touch/Holistic Health care session.