Nigel Goodall's



Biography Excerpt

Picture Gallery

Magazine Articles

Interview Bytes - Including a new video each month

Frequently Asked Questions


The idea of this page is to create an archive to which fans can turn to get information about Johnny and Winona during their time together as Hollywood's hottest couple. The referenced articles, biography excerpt, chronology, pictures and interviews all reflect my attitude to their reputation as important cultural icons, more so than any other celebrity couple of their generation.

The Picture Gallery contains a picture of almost every public appearance made by Johnny and Winona in as well as a selection of candid shots, and Edward Scissorhands movie stills.

The Biography extract is taken from the first of the Johnny and Winona chapters ("True Love") of my Johnny biography. At some point in the near future, this section will also take you to a Johnny and Winona Chronology .

The Magazine Articles (thanks Scott Coldwell and Eric Harshbarger) are extracts from magazines that relate to Johnny and Winona's relationship and also include some miscellaneous Winona on Johnny references that come from interviews in the years since their break-up. In the near future, this section will hopefully contain every article written on Johnny and Winona.

The Interview Byte page contain transcripts of TV appearances during which Winona has spoken of Johnny or their relation. We will also be adding a different video each month taken from various TV appearances. Thanks to Neil Milner for his assistance is the preparation of the Charlie Rose transcript. We have also added an audio file from Winona's appearance on The Charlie Rose Show.

The information in Frequently Asked Questions comes from various sources and whereas it is not meant to be the Johnny and Winona bible, I do hope you will find this useful.

One final note - I would like to thank Vicki for creating and maintaining this page. As far as I know there is no other site on the internet that is solely dedicated to Johnny and Winona. Therefore, here it is. So enjoy, and be happy! And remember if you have any information, pictures, sound clips etc., which you feel is appropriate for these pages, or you have any questions or comments, please feel free to E-mail me.

The photos at this site were scanned by me or donated. Please ask permission before using any of these photos on your web site. Thanks....E-mail

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