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When I was in my late teens back in the 80s, my favorite pop band was Duran Duran. I bought my first copy of one of their albums "Seven and the Ragged Tiger" while my family was on vacation driving from Kentucky to California. I was immediately hooked.

When I began making my music videos back in the fall of 1999, my youngest boys wanted to help me make a video using the song "Wild Boys", as this was their favorite song by Duran Duran. I had just finished filming my first Boy George film and had the makeup half cleaned off of my face. I put on a trenchcoat and hat and let the boys dress as savages. In the film, they attack me and have me all tied up. We had a lot of fun with the video and I decided to name my character Marc Le Bon, after Duran Duran's lead singer, Simon Le Bon.

Marc Le Bon became one of my favorite characters and was developed into a French secret agent/adventurer, sort of a cross between James Bond and Indiana Jones. We filmed two more videos that fall starring Marc Le Bon. The first was "View to a Kill" where Le Bon is injured by ninjas and "Electric Barbarella" which introduces his greatest creation, the robotic wonder Barbarella.

In December of that same year I filmed "Come Undone" and introduced the Legault the Vampire. Through the course of the video, Le Bon is transformed into a vampire. He awakens to find that he was only dreaming, but is shocked to find fang marks upon his neck.

Marc Le Bon appeared in "Hungry Like the Wolf" in the spring of 2000 where he fought a poacher who had injured a wolf.

In August of the same year, Le Bon appeared in "Out of My Mind", one of my all time favorite videos that I have filmed. Le Bon, his nephew Jean and Barbarella rescue Jean's baby brother, Bon Bon, from the clutches of Legualt the Vampire. Cordelia the vampire girl was introduced in this film. This video was filled with several special effects and was a lot of fun to make.

Marc Le Bon would not appear until nearly a year later in the spring of 2001. In "The Chauffer" we go back into time and tell the story of how Le Bon's true love, Briena St. Croix, is heartbroken when her little sister, Cordelia, is fatally wounded in an automobile accident involving Marc's older brother, Jacques. Cordelia is on the verge of death, when Legault gives her the kiss of death, transforming her into a vampire.

My last video starring Le Bon is "Girls on Film", filmed in the spring of 2002, in which his creation, the robotic wonder Electric Barbarella, is decapitated by the jealous vampire girl, Cordelia. Barbarella is rebuilt and upgraded to Barbarella 5.1. I used a mannequin to play the part of the upgraded Barbarella in this film. The video ends with Barbarella going on a secret mission to infiltrate the Maloney gang. Will Barbarella ever be seen again?

My last portrayal of Marc Le Bon was in 2006 during the shooting of the independent film "Illegal Smile". I donned the trench coat and berret once again for the scene at the police station where Detective Sullivan is brought in in a wheelchair after being shot. Unfortunately, this entire scene was cut from the film so Le Bon didn't make it in the final cut.

Marc Le Bon has appeared in the following films:

1. Wild Boys - November 1999

2. View To A Kill - November 1999

3. Electric Barbarella - November 1999

4. Friend Like U - November 1999

5. Come Undone - December 1999

6. Hungry Like The Wolf - May 2000

7. Out Of My Mind - August 2000

8. The Chauffer - June 2001

9. Girls On Film - June 2002

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"Copyright 1999-2008 by Mark A. Boyd"

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