How Adam Weismann unwillingly turned from medical research to the exploration of an unknown Antarctic land is dramatically told in Edison Marshall's latest novel.
In his zeal for further knowledge of the obscure semi-tropical disease he is studying this young American doctor is lured from his water-front laboratory to a ship commanded by the famous anthropologist, Professor Karl Belgrade. There follows a hazardous voyage which is only brought to a successful terminaqtion by Adam's knowledge and resource. His secret dislike of the cold-blooded scientist flares into open revolt when he finds that the magnificent tribespeople living in this primitive Lost Land are to be exploited for the personal glory of Professor Belgrade. Adam's feelings of responsibility for these blond giants and his growing love for their rarely beautiful queen, Dian, come to a dramatic climax with the arrival of a hostile tribe. This is his last chance of returning to the civilization and career he knows and Mr. Marshall describes with true insight and sympathy the conflicting desires of this warm-hearted young American. He must sacrifice some part of himself whichever choice he makes but he will remain an idealist to the end.
Edison Marshall paints the strange lure of Antarctica which Commander Byrd felt before his present voyage when he said, "In some Antarctiv valley, perhspas shut in by towering mountains, a thrilling discovery may await us."
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