Books Arranged by Author's Name


Aarons, Edward S.

Abbott, Peter

Abdullah, Achmed

Adams, Andy

Adams, Cleve F.

Alexander, C. M.

Allison, Clyde

Anderson, Lars

Anderson, Poul

Annas, Hal

Appleton, Victor

Archer, Lee

Arcot, Roger

Arnold, Edwin L.

Ashbrook, H.

Aubrey, Frank

Avery, Robert


Badger Jr., Joseph E.

Ballard, W. T.

Barreaux, Adolphe

Barry, Joe

Barton, Erle

Barton, Jack

Baum, L. Frank

Bedford-Jones, H.

Bellem, Robert Leslie

Benson, Thomas W.

Benton, John L.

Best, Stan

Beville, Edmund

Beyer, William Gray

Biff Brewster Mystery Adventure Series

Biggers, Earl Derr

Binder, Eando

Birch, A. G.

Bogart, William G.

Booth, Edwin

Bourne, Frank

Bowen, Robert Sidney

Boyle, Jack

Brackett, Leigh

Bradley, Jack

Bradshaw, William R.

Brand, Max

Breckenridge, Gerald

Breuer, Dr. Miles J.

Brown, Douglas (Walter B. Gibson)

Browne, Howard

Bruce, Beverly

Buchan, John

Buck, James Anson

Bulmer, Kenneth

Burks, Arthur J.

Burroughs, Edgar Rice (English)

Burroughs, Edgar Rice (Foreign)

Burroughs, Edgar Rice (Art Books)

Burroughs, Edgar Rice (Performing Art Books)

Burroughs, Edgar Rice (Scripts, etc. Books)

Burroughs, Ella Oldham

Burroughs, Hulbert

Burroughs, Jane Ralston

Burroughs, John C.

Butler, John K.

Byrd, Bob

Byron, James


Cade, Paul

Campbell, John W.

Captain Future

Carey, Tim

Carleton, Marjorie

Carnelle, Inge

Carroll, J. P.

Carroll, Lewis

Carruth, Cliff

Casewitt, Curtis W

Cavanaugh, James

Cave, Hugh B.

Chan, Charlie

Channing, Mark

Charbonneau, Louis

Charles, Franklin

Chase, Adam

Chase, James Hadley

Chase, Glen (Gardner F. Fox)

Children's Color Books

Christie, Agatha

Chute, Verne

Clancy, Eugene A.

Clarke, Arthur C.

Clement, Hal

Coblentz, Stanton A.

Cohen, Octavus Roy

Cole, Jackson

Collins, Michael

Collodi, C.

Conlon, Ben

Constiner, Merle

Cook, Walter

Cook, William Wallace

Cooper, James

Cord, Barry

Cowin, Col. William T.

Coxe, George Harmon

Crofts, F. Wills

Crump, J. Irving

Cummings, Ray

Cunningham, John

Curry, Tom

Cushman, Dan


D'Arcy, Jack

Dade, O. R.

Daly, Carroll John

Daniels, Harold R.

Davis, Frederick C.

Davis, Robert Hart

Dawson, Peter

Deegan, Frances M.

Delany, Samuel R.

De Mille, James

Dent, Lester

DeRosso, H. A.

Dewey, Thomas B.

Dickens, Charles

Diffin, Charles W.

Dime Novels

Discount Books

Disney, Dorothy Cameron

Dixon, Franklin W.

Dixon, Peter

Donavan, John

Doone, Dexter

Double Novels

Doyle, Arthur Conan

Dresser, Davis

Drummond, John Peter


Edholm, Charlton L.

Elliott, Don (Robert Silverberg)

Emerson, Willis George

England, George Allan

Ernst, Koller

Ernst, Paul

Eshbach, L. A.

Evans, E. Everett

Evans, Evan


Fairman, Paul W.

Fanthorpe, R. L.

Farley, Ralph Milne

Farmer, Philip Jose

Fearn, John Russell

Fickling, G. G.

Findley, Ferguson

Fischer, Bruno

Fischer, Harry

Fisher, Steve

Flagg, Francis

Fleming-Roberts, G. T.

Fontenay, Charles L.

Foreman, L. L.

Fox, Gardner F.

Francis, William

Franklin, Jay

Fredericks, Lee

Freeman, R. Austin

Friel, Arthur O.

Fritch, Charles E.

Fyfe, H. B.


Gallun, Raymond

Gardner, Erle Stanley

Gardner, Maurice B.

Garrett, Randall

Garth, Will

Gelula, Abner J.

Gernsback, Hugo

Gibson, Walter B.

Giesy, J. U.

Gilmore, Anthony

Glaenzer, Richard Butler

Glynn, A. A.

Gonzales, John

Gordon, Rex

Grange, John

Granger, Darius John

Grant, Peter

Gray, Jack

Gray, Westmoreland

Green, Anna Katharine

Grey, Zane

Gruber, Frank


Haggard, H. Rider

Haggard, J. Harvey

Hall, Edith King

Halliday, Brett

Hamilton, Edmond

Hankins, R. M.

Hanlon, Jon

Harben, Will. N.

Harcourt, Clinton

Harrison, C. William

Harrison, Harry

Hitt, Orrie

Hoban, Leo

Hobart, Donald Bayne

Hodgson, William Hope

Hoerner, Phyllis

Hogan, Robert J.

Homes, Geoffrey

House, Brant

Howard, Robert E.

Howard, Vince

Hoyle, Fred

Hoyle, Geoffrey

Huggins, Roy

Hunt, Patsy

Hurley, Preston

Hutton, J. F.

Hyne, Cutcliffe


Ives, Barnaby


Jackson, Gregory

Jackson, Wood

Jameson, Malcolm

Janifer, Laurence M.

Jarvis, E. K.

Johns, Mason

Jones, G. Wayman

Jones, Raymond F.

Jorgensen, Ivar

Judd, Cyril


Kane, Frank

Karney, Jack

Keeler, Harry Stephen

Keene, Day

Kelland, Clarence Budington

Keller M.D., David H.

Kemp, Harry

Ki-Gor of the Jungle

Kline, Otis Adelbert

Kneer, Michael

Knox, John H.


Kornbluth, C. M.

Kuttner, Henry


Lacy, Ed

Langart, Darrel T.

Lath, J. A.

Laumer, Keith

Laurence, Ross

Lawrence, Ann

Lawrence, Don

Leamy, Edmund

Leiber, Fritz

Leinster, Murray

Leithead, J. Edward

Leslie, A.

Lesser, Milton

Lewis, C. S.

Lewis, Lange

Liebe, Hapsburg

Lincoln, Joseph C.

Long, Amelia Reynolds

Long, Frank Belknap

Lorraine, Lilith

Lowndes, Robert A. W.


MacConnell, Colum

MacCreagh, Gordon

MacDermott, Clare

MacDonald, John D.

MacDonald, William Colt

MacGrath, Harold

MacKinnon, Allan

Macrae, Silas

MacTyre, Paul

Majeski, Bill

Manion, "Lash"

Manning, Laurence

Mark, Ted

Marsh, Howard R.

Marshall, Edison

Martin, Leif

Masked Rider

Matheson, Richard

Maxwell, Bob

Maynard, R. T.

McCoy, Lew

McCulley, Johnston

McFarlane, Leslie

McKenna, Bob

McLeod, Cross

McMillen, C. Compton

McRoberts, Kerry

Meek, Capt. S. P.

Merritt, A.

Merwin Jr., Sam

Michelmore, Reg

Mighels, Philip Verrill

Millard, Joseph J.

Miller, P. Schuyler

Miller, Vance

Mines, Samuel

Morgan, Carol

Mowery, William Byron

Muller, John E.

Murray, Max

Musgrave, Joseph W.

Myers, Charles F.


Nebel, Frederick Lewis

Nelson, Otto

Neville, Kris

Nick Carter

Norman, James

Norris, Edward P.

North, Andrew

North, Eric

Norton, Andre

Norton, Forrest

Nourse, Alan E.

Nowlan, Philip Francis


O'Houlihann, Shane

Oliver, Chad

Olsen, Bob

Oppenheim, E. Phillips

Otis, James

Ozaki, Milton K.


Painton, Frederick C.

Palmer, Raymond A.

Parrish, Randall

Patrick, Q.

Patzer, Sidney

Pelkie, J. W.

Pennell, Tom

Peril, Milton R.

Perry, Ralph P.

Phantom Detective Paperback Series, The

Phillips, John

Phillpotts, Eden

Piper, H. Beam

Platt, Jesse

Pohl, Frederik

Post, Malcolm

Pragnell, Festus

Prather, Richard S.

Prescott, John

Price, E. Hoffman

Purcell, Dick

Pyle, Howard


Queen, Ellery


Range Busters

Range Riders

Rawlings, Frank

Raymond, John

Reed, David V.

Reeve, Arthur B.

Repp, Ed Earl

Reynolds, John Murray

Rice, Craig

Richmond, Roe

Rickens, C. Eadie

Rio Kid Series

Ritter, John P.

Roan, Tom

Roberts, Willo L.

Rockwell, Carey

Rockwood, Roy

Rohmer, Sax

Rosny, J. H.

Ryerson, Martin


Sabatini, Rafael

Sair, Clark L.

Sale, Richard

Sand, G. Morris

Savile, Frank

Saxon, John A.

Saylor, H. L.

Scanlon, C.K.M.

Science Fiction Stories Series

Scott, A. Leslie

Seabrooke, John Paul

Seltzer, Charles Alden

Serviss, Garrett P.


Shane, Susannah

Shaver, Richard S.

Sheehan, Perley Poore

Sheldon, Walt

Shelley, Mary

Sherman, Harold M.

Sherriff, R. C.

Silverberg, Robert (Don Elliott)

Sinclair, Kenneth L.

Slesar, Henry

Smith, Clark Ashton

Smith, E. E.

Smith, Garrett

Smith, Thorne

Sorak of the Jungle

Sparks, David R.

Spencer, Leonard G.

Spillane, Mickey

Staunton, Schuyler (L. Frank Baum)

Stead, Robert J. C.

Steel, Kurt

Steele, Chester K.

Steele, Gunnison

Stevenson, Robert Louis

Stilson, Charles B.

Stoker, Bram

Stone, Leslie F.

St. Reynard, Geoff

Striker, Fran

Stuart, Donald

Swain, Dwight V.

Swift, Jonathan

Swift, Merlyn


Taine, John

Teagle, Mike

Terry, Luke

Thames, C. H.

Thompson, Ruth Plumly

Tinsley, Theodore A.

Thorndyke, Russell

Toland, John

Tom Corbett

Tompkins, Walter A.

Toombs, Maude Robinson

Torrey, Roger

Torro, Pel

Tuttle, W. C.

Twain, Mark


Ullman, Albert Edward


Van Dine, S. S.

Van Dyne, Edith (L. Frank Baum)

van Lhin, Erik

Vandenburg, G. L.

Van Vogt, A. E.

Vaughan, Richard

Various Collections

Verne, Jules

Verrill, A. Hyatt

Vincent, Harl

von Harbou, Thea


Wallace, Robert

Ward, Bill (artist)

Warren, Doug

Wayne, John

Webb, Jack

Webb, Jean Francis

Weinbaum, Stanley G.

Wellman, Manly Wade

Wells, H. G.

Wells, Hal K.

Wells, Lee E.

Westlake, Donald E.

Wheeler-Nicholson, Malcolm

Whelton, Paul

White, Stewart Edward

Whittier, Henry

Whittington, Harry

Wickham, Harvey

Wilcox, Don

Wilder, Stephen

Williams, Ben Ames

Williams, Frank H.

Williams, Harper

Williams, Nick Boodie

Williams, Robert Moore

Williamson, Jack

Wilson, Richard

Wilstach, John

Winterbotham, Russ

Winters, Rae

Winthrop, Park

Wodehouse, P. G.

Wolfe, Charles S.

Wolford, Colby

Wollheim, Donald A.

Woodford, Jack

Worth, L. S.

Wright, S. Fowler

Wyss, Johann Rudolf





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