so Jim Harbour hung up his guns and built him a shack, high on the mountainside.

But Gardies, who owned the Big Outfit, died and left his daughter to run the spread alone. That was when Evan Rue and his gunslingers started to burn out the homesteaders on their way to the big grab--the Gardies Empire.

Then Jim Harbour strapped on his guns again--because they all wanted him on their side.

Trade Paperback:
6 x 9 inch
154 pages


Several days of hard riding y devious routes over unused trails had brought Jim Allard within sight of the little town of Sands, Arizona. There was a price on Jim's head in Arizona, but the tempting offer of work and good pay from his distant kinsman, Hugh Allard, drew him back to this dangerous territory.

At nightfall Jim stealthily set up camp and lit his small fire in the shelter of a lonely twisting gorge. Suddenly out of the blackness a squat-shaped figure approached. Jim's momentary relief when he recognized Billy Wells, an old crony, was shattered when his friend spoke: "I'm getting out of here, and damned if I'll see a friend of mine ride into this thing blind!" But then a terrible thing happened: a shot out of the night toppled Billy to the ground, and cut short his strange warning.

In daylight Jim rode on to Sands to learn Hugh's real purpose. How he avenged the murder of Billy Wells and brought to light the secret of beautiful Ann Allard's mysterious power over patient Miles Kittering add to the drama of this gripping and bloody story of the Arizona desert.

Trade Paperback:
6 x 9 inch
256 pages