Alice's Adventures in Wonderland
"It would be difficult to over-estimate the value of the store of hearty and healthy fun laid up for whole generations of young people, by Mr. Carroll and Mr. Tenniel, in two books which they have united to produce. In the first volume Alice won the affection of a whole child world, as she wandered through Wonderland..."--Athenaeum.

This is a photographic reproduction of the original story.

Trade Paperback:
6 x 9 inch
208 pages
ISBN 978-1987078633

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Through the Looking Glass And What Alice Found There
"It would be difficult to over-estimate the value of the store of hearty and healthy fun laid up for whole generations of young people, by Mr. Carroll and Mr. Tenniel, in two books which they have united to produce."--Athenaeum.

"The story is one of the most captivating and remarkable ever read, and the pictures are beautiful."--Morning Post.

Our reprint is a photographic copy of the original edition.

Trade Paperback:
6 x 9 inch
240 pages
ISBN 978-1987078640

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Alice's Adventure in Wonderland/Through the Looking Glass And What Alice Found There
"It would be difficult to over-estimate the value of the store of hearty and healthy fun laid up for whole generations of young people, by Mr. Carroll and Mr. Tenniel, in two books which they have united to produce. In the first volume Alice won the affection of a whole child world, as she wandered through Wonderland, in the second she will be sure to add fresh troops to the number of her unknown friends, besides retaining her place in the hearts of her old admirers."--Athenaeum. "The story is one of the most captivating and remarkable ever read, and the pictures are beautiful."--Morning Post. "One of the cleverest and most charming books ever composed for a child's reading."--Pall Mall Gazette. "Beyond question supreme among modern books for children."--Spectator. Our reprint is a photographic copy of the original edition. "It would be difficult to over-estimate the value of the store of hearty and healthy fun laid up for whole generations of young people, by Mr. Carroll and Mr. Tenniel, in two books which they have united to produce. In the first volume Alice won the affection of a whole child world, as she wandered through Wonderland, in the second she will be sure to add fresh troops to the number of her unknown friends, besides retaining her place in the hearts of her old admirers."--Athenaeum. "The story is one of the most captivating and remarkable ever read, and the pictures are beautiful."--Morning Post. "One of the cleverest and most charming books ever composed for a child's reading."--Pall Mall Gazette. "Beyond question supreme among modern books for children."--Spectator. Our reprint is a photographic copy of the original edition.

Hardcover w/casewrap:
6 x 9 inch
454 pages
ISBN 978-1987078657

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