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                                 ...Trust in the Heart




               Episode # 30 - Yugi Vs. Mai - Duel Identity (2)

     When the second half of the duel between Yugi and Mai continues, Yugi is at 300 life points while Mai remains untouched at 2000.  Mai's Shadow of Eyes card lures all Yugi's monsters to attack mode and her Mirror Wall reduces his monsters' attack by half.  It seems hopeless for Yugi to go against Mai's Harpies Pet Dragon.  The only way for him to win is to accept the spirit of the puzzle.  But for some reason, he's struggling against it.  As Yugi is trying to figure himself out, Mai starts her speech.  She says that Joey helped her face her fears on the day he beat her.  She was forced to look at herself in a new way.  She had to trust in herself instead of her tricks.  It was something she was scared to do.  Her defeat taught her more about dueling than all her victories.  She is really talking to Yugi not the others and she asks him if he has conquered his fears.

     As Yugi thinks about what Mai said, he hears the spirit of the puzzle talking to him.  He says he never meant to hurt Kaiba, he was trying to help Yugi rescue his Grandpa.  He promises to work with Yugi and they will make decisions together.  Immediately Yugi's dueling improves.  He plays Brain Control to take control of Harpies' Pet Dragon.  Mai laughs and says it was a foolish move.  Harpies' Pet Dragon would never attack it's master.  Instead Yugi plays one card face down and then plays Catapult Turtle.  the Dragon gets loaded in the catapult and is launched at the Mirror Wall, shattering the wall and reducing Mai's Life points to 850 in one attack.  Mai seems almost glad that Yugi has found his spirit and would be a more worthy opponent.  She loves duels with spirit in them.  She plays Elegant Egotist tripling the Harpies Lady.  She is afraid of Yugi's trap card so she decides not to attack.  Yugi tells Mai that she should have attacked on her turn.  Mai argues that it would have been foolish to fall for a trap like that.  But Yugi says it was a fact.  If Mai had attacked, she would have won that turn.  He turns over his face down card and reveals it as a Monster Recovery card.  All his monsters return to the deck and he draws a new hand.

     Yugi's new hand is just as bad as his last.  He has no strong monster to go up against Mai's Harpies Ladies Sisters.  Instead he plays the only monster that he can in defense mode, Mystic Elf.  She is a female monster and unaffected by the Shadow of Eyes card.  Mai is shocked that she forgot the flaw in Shadow of Eyes but isn't really disappointed.  She uses Monster Reborn to revive her Dragon powered up to 2900 because there are now three Harpies on the field.  She attacks the Mystic Elf, Yugi's last defensive monster.  Yugi begins to loose faith.  There seems to be no way for him to win.  As Yugi draws what might determine the duel, he united with the Stronger Yugi and together they draw Swords of Revealing Light.  Mai's monsters cannot attack for three turns.  The Spirit tells Yugi that there is only one way to win, through the Black Luster Ritual.  It is risky and they might not get the cards they need in three turns.  Still, Yugi plays the first component of the Ritual, the weak monster Karebo.

     Mai is shocked that Yugi played such a weak monster but Yugi warns her it will make he loose.  Mai draws a card and ends her turn, unable to attack.  Yugi draws, but it isn't the card he needs.  He plays Gaia, the other component of the Ritual, but he only has two turns to draw what he needs.  Mai draws the second Harpies Lady card and when it is played in two turns, her Dragon will be powered up to 3200.  She ends her turn and the swords fade away releasing her monsters.  Yugi prepares to draw his final card and wonders if it is fair to risk the lives of his friends on on draw.  The strength from his friends gives the two Yugi's hope and power.  They draw... The Black Luster Ritual!  The Ritual Begins.  Sacrificing his two monsters, The Gates of Chaos open and the Black Luster Soldier descends.  With a powerful attack, Mai's dragon is destroyed and her life points fall to 750.

     Mai knows there is no way for her to win, her strategy broken with the loss of her dragon.  She lays her hand over her deck, a sign that she concedes and gives the match to Yugi.   She doesn't want to see her Harpies Ladies destroyed on her next turn.  As Mai turns to leave, Yugi thanks her for helping him trust in himself and confronting his fears.  Mai warns Yugi that next time they meet, she might not be so easy to defeat.  Yugi must defeat the next winner of the championships in order to challenge Pegasus for his Grandpa's Soul, but who will win, Bandit Keith, or his best friend Joey?

Summary By YamiHikari

Screen Shots:  CLICK HERE!!!

New Characters:  None

Characters Shown: Yugi,  Joey,  Tea,  Tristan,  Bakura,  Mai, Pegasus, Bandit Keith, Croquet

Cards Featured: (Coming Soon...)

Episode Rating (1-10) 8.7001  Pretty much the same as before.  Great Turn around for Yugi and Mai's speech is one of the best in the series.  As I said before:  Mai = cool.  Yugi = awesome.  "Cool" + "Awesome" = Great Episode.